Forcing: planting and care

Forsythia is a charming shrub that blooms in the spring one of the first and decorates our garden, when nothing else in it reminds of spring. Its bare branches are literally covered with bright yellow bells. And only after the flowering on the spot flowers begin to appear young leaves.

Forsity, like most plants, loves light and does not like the wind. Soils she prefers sandy humus, drainage - from gravel or broken bricks, does not refuse liming of soils. Plant a shrub at a distance of two meters from each other to a depth of 50-70 cm. It is preferable to transplant in the autumn before the onset of frost.

Care for Forcing

Planting and maintenance of forging are not difficult, because the shrub is unpretentious and not moody. The plant is responsive to the introduction of full mineral fertilizers in early spring, and also when laying new flower buds. If there is enough rainfall, then forcing watering is not needed: it suffers a drought better than an excess of moisture. But if the summer is very dry and hot, then you need water once a month. After watering, loosen the ground and cover up. It is necessary to weed the weeds and, at the same time, loosen the soil on the spade bayonet. In spring, the old withered branches are removed from the bush, and half of the shoots are cut out. If the forcing in spring is cut to the root, then it rejuvenates and quickly restores the shape. For the winter it is necessary to bend the branches of the bush to the ground and cover them with lapnika and dry leaves.

Reproduction of forcing

Breeding bushes are forested with green and lignified cuttings and layers. To do this, in early summer, cut green cuttings and stand them in a solution of the root stimulant, for example, "Kornevin" or "Epin". Then cuttings root in the sand and cover with a film.

If you want to propagate forcing with lignified cuttings, then in autumn it is necessary to cut thick annual shoots on cuttings of 15 cm each. Plant them in the ground, leaving 2-3 kidneys on the surface, and cover with dry foliage. In the spring, remove the leaves, and the cuttings should already take root and turn into saplings by the autumn.

To multiply forsytation by layers, the young lower branch should be bent to the ground and sprinkled with earth, soon roots form on it. To the roots formed faster, before bending the branches, it is necessary to tighten it with wire or cut the bark on it. In spring it is necessary to cut off this branch from the bush and the next spring the new plant will blossom.

Varieties of forging

The most winter-hardened fortsity variety is ovoid. This is a low spreading shrub with a light yellowish-gray bark. If the bushes in winter and a little frozen, it will perfectly recover in the spring and will bloom as abundantly. Dwarf arborization of Arnold Dwarf blooms not very luxuriantly, and Tetragold has a more powerful bush.

The bush of the forsyza hanging has a height of up to 3 meters. The arcuate reddish-brown branches of it beautifully hang down to the ground and sometimes even take root. In severe winters, the plant should be sheltered, and in more southern areas it grows well and without shelter. Zybold's variety is more winter-hardy, has very flexible stems, which many gardeners are allowed to trellis or even spread on the ground.

For warm climate is very good forcing dark green. In an average climate, the plant must be carefully covered, and in the spring one should not miss the moment when it is opened - so that the plant blossoms, but it also does not freeze.

The intermediate formation was obtained by crossing the dark green and hanging down. We got a three-meter winter-hardy shrub. And the formation of the Girald is one of the earliest early varieties.

Forsythia is an unpretentious and simple shrub in growing. Due to its decorative nature, the plant is widely used in park and garden design.