Why does the body need vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is a cobalt-containing vitamin that has very important functions. Therefore it is very important to know why the body needs vitamin B12.

Useful properties of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 promotes the formation of red blood cells, in which the maturation of DNA molecules (deoxyribonucleic acids) - substances in the nucleus of cells that contain genetic information. Synthesis of DNA without vitamin B12 is impossible, and the information that is necessary for the formation of red blood cells is not transmitted. This leads to the appearance of a disease such as malignant anemia.

Another not less important function of vitamin B12 is the production of nerve cells. Nerve coating - myelin sheath. When the body lacks vitamin B12, this coating begins to suffer, which leads to a gradual demyelination and death of nerve cells. The role of vitamin B12 in this process has been demonstrated many times by the effectiveness in alleviating the painful and other various symptoms of the nervous system. Neurological pathology, as a rule, is accompanied by a violation of neuromuscular motility and tingling in the limbs. Hence it is clear why you need vitamin B12 for the body.

Vitamin B12 affects the absorption of proteins. Most of the key protein components, called amino acids , will become inaccessible for disposal, in the absence of vitamin B12. In addition, the lack of this vitamin will break the carbohydrate-fat metabolism in the body.

Numerous studies have shown that vitamin B12 takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue. To a large extent, it is necessary for normal growth and physical development of children.

Vitamin B12 is also useful in hair. Being the main foundation for the construction of hair cells, this vitamin improves their reproduction, regenerates damaged tissues - brittle and cut hair, prevents their loss, improves growth, and normalizes blood circulation, making the curls shiny and beautiful.

What is needed for vitamin B12 and what is its role for the body, it is understandable. But it is worth noting that his deficiency can lead to nervousness, depression, poor blood coagulability, numbness in the legs, weakness, decreased reflexes, pale skin, difficulty swallowing, inflammation and redness of the tongue, rapid heartbeat, malfunction in normal liver function, problems with memory and menstrual irregularities.

Sources of vitamin B12

To ensure that the body does not lack vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), you need to know what foods contain vitamin B12. It is important to include in the daily diet products of animal origin, since they contain it in sufficient quantities. Excellent suppliers of vitamin B12 are veal liver and perch. Also in the kidneys there is a large amount of vitamin. They are rich in salmon, scallops, shrimp , halibut, sardines and cod. Of meat products - lamb, beef, as well as game. To enrich the body with vitamin B12, do not neglect laminaria, blue-green algae, beer yeast, soy products - tempe, miso and tofu.

It is very useful to take B12 in tablets or ampoules, which you can buy at the pharmacy. The solution in the ampoules is to be administered intramuscularly: 1 ampoule daily for 10 days. Tablets are taken orally after a meal: 2 pieces per day for the same 10 days. This is especially important for people who adhere to a vegetarian diet.