Sweet and sour sauce - a simple recipe

This sauce came to us from China or as they say from heaven, in Asia, recipes with a combination of sour and sweet are generally popular. We present you two traditional sauces with such a combination of tastes, which at the same time give the ground for improvisation.

How to cook Chinese sweet and sour sauce at home - a simple recipe



To make a traditional sauce, the same as it is cooked in China, you will need a minimum of products almost always available in the kitchen, as well as only 12-15 minutes and cooling time. Contrary to many recipes laid out in the worldwide network, in which one of the ingredients of flour, we explain that the Chinese practically do not use this ingredient as a thickener for sauces. In traditional Chinese cuisine, starch is 99% thickener for sauces. The thickener is used for a simple reason, namely with practical purpose, when eating with chopsticks, it is necessary that the sauce remain on a piece of food brought to the mouth and at the same time does not drip onto the table and clothes.

So, combine the starch with water and mix well, avoiding the appearance of clots, put all other ingredients in a small saucepan or mini saucepan and mix it carefully, after adding a mixture of water and starch. Preparation takes place at medium temperature and constant stirring, as a result you must achieve the necessary density.

If you want, you can of course use as additives grated fresh ginger or squeezed garlic, or maybe both. There are also options for replacing table vinegar for some fruit. Water can also be replaced with fruit juice, it will help you to surprise yourself and loved ones with a variety, as well as give you the opportunity to more correctly choose the sauce for the main course.

How to make sweet and sour sauce with pineapple - recipe



This sauce is also traditional in Chinese cuisine, the difference is only in one ingredient, Chinese chefs do not use pieces of pineapple while preparing this sauce, only pineapple juice is used for flavoring. To cook again, you can use two ways to enter starch, add to the ingredients already mixed together from the list, with the exception of pineapple slices, or separately connect it with water, and then introduce to all the remaining ingredients. Pineapple rings or pieces cut as small as possible and add to the sauce only after all is well mixed, dissolved and begins to thicken.