David Bowie - the disease of a famous rock musician was deadly

The legendary rock musician, Englishman David Bowie, died at the age of 69 after 18 months of fighting a serious illness. He suffered from liver cancer and during this time suffered at least six heart attacks. The tragedy occurred on January 10, 2016. According to the will of the singer, his body was cremated on January 14 in New York and buried in a place known only to the closest relatives. David Bowie did not want to have his own grave with a tombstone. He believed that people should remember him for their lifetime deeds, and not as a monument. After the death, the singer left the family a rich inheritance consisting of multimillion-dollar accounts and a large amount of real estate around the world. Direct heirs of David Bowie are his children - the son of Duncan Zoe and Alexandria Zahra, as well as his second wife Iman Abdulmajid. It is known that after the death of the musician left a large number of his unreleased works, which will be fully made public for several years.

The history of David Bowie's illness and death

Rumors that David Bowie had health problems first appeared in 2004, when the musician lost consciousness after speaking at a concert in Berlin. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where he underwent heart surgery. This incident was followed by a long break in the creative activity of David Bowie, 10 years old.

It should be noted that during his life the musician smoked a lot and used narcotic substances, which could not but affect his health.

During the London Olympics, the song of David Bowie Heroes became very popular and became one of the leading musical themes. However, the musician did not agree to take part in the TV show, which was the reason for another wave of rumors about his ill health. Among other things, there was a suggestion that David Bowie developed Alzheimer's disease.

In 2013, unexpectedly for all musicians released a new studio album with the symbolic name The Next Day. His producer Tony Visconti at that time said that David Bowie is not going to go to the next world. Nevertheless, the musician refused to give an interview, which gave rise to even more rumors.

The death of David Bowie made his music critics refer to songs from the last album Blackstar, which was released a few before the tragedy. The result did not keep itself waiting. It was concluded that the very name of the album reminds of breast cancer. After all, the scar on the mammogram may well resemble the outlines of a dark star, or else Blackstar.

As it turned out later, one of the few who knew about the terrible disease of David Bowie, was the director of the musical "Lazarus" Ivo van Hove. Joint work on the production made the musician confess his illness. This allowed him to explain the impossibility of personal presence at all rehearsals of the musical. Recall that the debut of the production "Lazarus" based on the work of Walter Tevis "The Man Who Fell to Earth" was held in December last year in New York.

The extraordinary talent of David Bowie

David Bowie was the greatest rock performer of his time. He made a significant contribution to the formation of pop culture and was remembered as one of the most flexible musical creators, able to adapt to the trends of modern times. To be different, to determine the style and direction of world pop music is, perhaps, what is the main phenomenon of the musical talent of David Bowie. His charisma, eccentricity and unusual appearance played a significant role in this. Recall at least his magnetic view, so surprisingly complemented by the asymmetry of the pupils. David Bowe suffered an extremely rare eye disease called heterochromia . She was of an acquired character and appeared with a musician at the age of 12 as a result of a street fight over a girl.

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In addition to unusual external data, David Bowie possessed an incredible ability to create new images, each of which could not be better suited to the new features of his musical performance. His ideas determined the history of pop culture for many years to come. The wide voice range, the unique singing technique and the right intuitive search for new directions have made David Bowie an idol for millions throughout the long period of his musical career.