Hamsa fish - useful properties

Fish hamsu in another way is called anchovy European. A schooling fish is found near the eastern coast of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as in the Black and Mediterranean seas. In summer it can be found in the Baltic, Azov and North Seas. The length of anchovy not more than twenty centimeters.

Hamsa was very popular with ancient Greeks and Romans. This has preserved a lot of evidence. Today hamsa is also in demand. The reason for this is not only the taste qualities, but also its availability. In shops, you can often find salted or smoked hamsa, but you can find it frozen. This fish is often used in the preparation of pates, stews, salads, pilaf, stuffed olives, pasta and other interesting dishes.

Useful properties of anchovy

Calorie content of anchovy is very small, and is only 88 kcal per 100 g, so it is often recommended to include in the diet people who want to lose weight.

Khamsa refers to fish delicacies. The special benefit of anchovy in its beneficial effect on bone tissue. This small fish contains a large amount of protein, which makes it useful for people of any age. Vitamin PP and a number of trace elements, such as chromium, zinc, nickel, fluorine and molybdenum, determine the useful properties of anchovy fish for the human body.

What else is useful for hamsa?

Not only microelements and vitamins are part of this wonderful fish. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce cholesterol in the blood, prevent the formation of thrombi and improve lipid metabolism. In addition, it is believed that omega-3 prevents the appearance of cancer cells and slows the growth of existing ones. Well, it is worth mentioning also the fact that hamsa, like other sea fish, is a valuable source of iodine.