How many calories are in chocolate?

Chocolate is truly a cult product in our days. As a token of gratitude, we give each other chocolate sweets, sets chocolate fountains at the celebrations, and even as a drink we can easily choose not some tea, but hot chocolate. If you watch your figure, it is important to know how many calories are in chocolate . This will allow you to reasonably treat your favorite treat.

How many calories in bitter chocolate?

Bitter chocolate is the most useful of all. There are no harmful sugars for teeth, but the properties of cocoa butter are fully revealed. However, this does not make it a dietary product: there are 539 kcal per 100 g.

This is an average caloric value in comparison with other varieties. One standard slice of this chocolate weighing 5 g contains about 27 calories. This is the maximum that you can afford while dieting.

How many calories are in milk chocolate?

This is perhaps the most favorite and popular worldwide brand of chocolate. However, it is also the most high-calorie: for every 100 g there are 555 kcal. This sort is not recommended for eating with a diet, despite the fact that it is more useful than the white version.

How many calories are in white chocolate?

White chocolate keeps a lot of sugar, which is incredibly harmful to the health of teeth. Its caloric content is slightly higher than that of the classic bitter variant - 541 kcal per 100 grams. However, due to the difference in their composition, during weight loss from it is better to give up.

How many calories are in hot chocolate?

Hot chocolate - a delicacy is very high-calorie, despite the fact that it has fewer calories than in other varieties - 500 kcal per 100 g. The fact is that you can eat 1-2 lobules with regular chocolate, but here you have to drink a cup, and even if it is only 150 grams, you will get 750 kcal! And this is more than half the norm of a daily diet for a slimming girl. During the period of weight loss from this treat is better to give up.