Rorschach test

Psychological test Rorschach - pictures with bizarre ink spots are familiar to many. These images were seen at least once each, but not everyone knows what the essence of the technique is, and even the interpretation of the results of Rorschach's test does not cause difficulties except for professional psychoanalysts. And after all, it is curious what conclusions a psychologist can make, just by showing a man a couple of pictures and looking at his reaction. Well, interest must be satisfied. That's what we're gonna do now.

Rorschach psychological test - description

As the name implies, the test was developed by Herman Rorsharch, a psychiatrist from Switzerland. He noticed the dependence of the perception of the formless image and the inner state of man. Certain reactions to images can tell about various psychological deviations and features of the emotional state. After the death of Rorschach, his work was continued by many talented psychologists and psychiatrists, so the methodology was developed. And although until now all the possibilities of the test have not been studied, but its use helps the specialist to find out the necessary data for diagnosing the personality and identifying violations that can later be checked by clinical methods.

Interpretation of the results of the Rorschach test

The test is conducted as follows. The card is tested with ink stains. In the classical technique, there are 5 of them. A person should describe in detail what he sees in this picture. The task of the specialist is to record all impressions, and after them to make a survey, specifying all the details and factors that affected the content of the answer. After that, the answers recorded in the protocol are coded. This is required for the next stage - carrying out calculations using special formulas. Then the results are entered in the appropriate section of the psychogram. Now it remains only to interpret the results.

The integrative approach is based on clusters, in which all the interpretation scales are grouped. Clusters correspond to the spheres of mental activity - recognition, structuring, conceptualization, emotional sphere, self-perception, social sphere, control and tolerance to stress. After all the data will be included in the psychogram, the specialist will get a complete picture of the possible deviations of the personality.

One of the options for interpretation can be checked by yourself:

  1. Are there any people in the pictures? If the subject did not see people on the cards, this indicates that he is alone or he does not have relationships develop with others. If on the contrary people are on most pictures, then such a person likes to be in companies and easily converges with people.
  2. Mobility of the image (figures dance, move). If a person sees traffic on the cards, this indicates his spiritual and personal growth. If the images are static, then the subject faces a choice or is not ready to move anywhere.
  3. Animate objects. If on the cards people did not see living beings (people, animals), and instead calls only inanimate objects, then he is inclined to suppress emotions and keep feelings to himself.
  4. Is he sick or healthy? Comparing the results of the answers of the majority of the subjects, it can be concluded that the non-ordinary variants of interpretation of the pictures speak either of the non-standard thinking of the subject, or of the presence of mental disorders.

In addition, the Rorschach test allows you to assess the person's emotional attitude to the world, the degree of his egocentrism, the degree of activity. There is also a mathematical version of the interpretation of the test. In general, it is used by psychotherapists.