Cinnamon - medicinal properties

Cinnamon is an evergreen tree, the dried bark of which is used in cooking as a spice. In addition to a pleasant aroma and taste, cinnamon also has medicinal properties, being used in medicine and cosmetology. Consider the most effective and popular recipes and methods of applying cinnamon for treatment.

Useful properties of cinnamon

Cinnamon contains essential oils, tannins, dietary fiber, fatty acids, vitamins A, C, E, B, K, PP, beta-carotene, minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, etc.). Due to its composition, cinnamon has the following properties:

Treatment of cinnamon of diabetes mellitus

The healing properties of cinnamon can be used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes . Studies have shown that cinnamon contains a substance that is not only recognized by the body as insulin, but also works in the same way. Thus, cinnamon is able to normalize blood sugar level, and also increase insulin activity and the ability of cells to absorb and use glucose. People suffering from this disease, it is recommended to add cinnamon instead of salt for food.

You can also use the following recipe: a teaspoon of cinnamon pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour, and then add to the liquid 2 teaspoons of honey. This drink should be consumed twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed half a glass.

Cinnamon from pressure

Cinnamon is able to lower blood pressure and can be used for this purpose. It is recommended to take a glass of kefir for the night, in which a teaspoon of cinnamon is stirred, for 10 days. It is also useful to add this seasoning to various dishes.

Cinnamon for weight loss

This fragrant spice, enhancing the exchange of sugar in the body, prevents the accumulation of carbohydrates, and, consequently, fatty deposits. Doctors, nutritionists recommend adding it to juices, milk, water, cereals, cottage cheese and other dishes (but not confectionery and pastries, which will not help lose weight even when combined with cinnamon).

An excellent drink for weight loss will be green tea with cinnamon , which, in addition, has a toning effect. For this, in a cup of green tea, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a little honey. Use this drink daily.

But the recipe for a very effective fat-burning cocktail with cinnamon, which is called "food models": in a glass of skimmed yogurt add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and ginger, as well as a little red hot pepper (at the tip of the knife). You need to drink this cocktail in the morning before meals, or at all, replacing them with breakfast, and also in the evening for dinner.

Cinnamon from cellulite

Cinnamon is also effective in combating the "orange peel". It activates the metabolism in the skin, contributing to the removal of excess fat. Also, cinnamon nourishes, regenerates and tones the skin, increases its elasticity.

To get rid of cellulite, you can do wraps with cinnamon and clay. To do this, mix 20 grams of cinnamon and blue clay, add 5-6 drops of any anti-cellulite oil (ginger, orange, patchouli or other) and dilute with warm water until creamy. Put the mixture on the problem areas, wrap the film, put on warm clothes and lie under the blanket for 40 minutes. Then rinse off with warm, then cool water. The procedure should be repeated every other day for a month.

Face mask with cinnamon

A recipe for a nourishing and toning mask that improves complexion for any type of skin: mix a puree from a third of a banana, two tablespoons of sour cream, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Cinnamon for hair growth

The recipe for a hair mask: add two tablespoons of coconut oil to a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey, mix and apply on hair, rubbing into the roots; wash off after 15 minutes. Applying this mask 1 - 2 times a week, you can not only accelerate the growth of hair, but also to improve them.