Papilloma - treatment at home

Papillomas are small, mostly benign, lesions that can appear on the skin and mucous membranes. The resulting growths can look differently and settle on different parts of the body. The most prone to this pathology are people with a weakened immune system. Consider what are the causes of the appearance of papillomas, and what are the methods of their treatment at home.

Causes of papillomas

The appearance of papillomas on the body is associated with infection with papillomavirus , which can be transmitted in various ways: contact-household, sexual, parenteral. Especially the probability of infection in the presence of microdamages on the skin, reducing the barrier functions of the skin and mucous membranes. The risk of infection increases when visiting public places, places with high humidity (beach, sauna, swimming pool).

However, infection with the virus does not necessarily lead to the appearance of the disease. In most cases, in infected people, papillomavirus is not manifested, because its activation is hampered by the body's immune forces. In this case, it is in the deep layers of the skin in a "sleeping" state. Only after some time the causative agent of the disease can become more active and reach the surface, which is most often associated with the following factors:

Methods for treating papillomas on the skin at home

Self-removal of papillomas is allowed only in case of consultation with a dermatologist, who will determine the type of education. In no case can not be treated at home papillomas, which are on the face, eyelids, neck, genitals and other areas of the body where the skin is thin and tender. In such cases, the risk of damage to healthy skin layers is high, after which rough scars may remain.

Methods of home treatment of papillomas can be divided into two categories: medicinal and folk. The first include the use of pharmacy products to remove such formations, which include:

1. Solutions with cauterizing action based on various acids, phenols, zinc and other chemicals:

2. Drugs acting by the cryotherapy method, i.e. freezing neoplasms on the skin:

3. Gels, creams and ointments of antiviral action:

Folk remedies for treating papillomas at home are very diverse. Let's consider some popular methods.

Treatment with papillomas at home with household soap

This method is very simple, accessible and involves applying to the affected areas of the papilloma skin thick layer of natural soap. This procedure should be performed daily at bedtime 5-6 times, which will lead to a gradual drying up of education and its rejection. Wipe the papillomas with soap carefully, so as not to damage them and not cause inflammation.

Treatment of papillomas in the home celandine

To get rid of the papilloma, you should treat it several times a day with juice, which is released when the stem of the plant breaks. The duration of treatment with this method is about three weeks.

Treatment with papillomas at home with castor oil

Small, recently appeared papillomas can be tried to remove with castor oil. To do this, the product should be applied to the build-up every night before going to bed, until the skin is cleansed.