Cold from the shank

Traditionally, the jelly is cooked from pork legs, while adding extra beef, chicken, turkey or pork flesh. But such a wonderful product as pork shank can easily be in the main role. There is meat, and substances so necessary for the cold to solidify. In the recipes below, we will describe in detail how to properly cook a delicious cold from the pork shank.

Chilled chicken breast - recipe

For the rich good chill, the chicken is best suited to the shank, of course. Then the cold will have a magnificent aroma, and it will harden easily without the help of gelatin. In addition, lean chicken meat will dilute the rather fatty pork from the shank.



Start cooking holodtsa preferably in the evening. Handle and chicken well mine, carefully examine for the presence of remains of feathers and bristles. If such are available, it is easy to do over a gas burner. After that, very good with the iron brush once again my skin. We chop the chicken into pieces, leave the whole leaves, pour in a large saucepan with water and leave it for the night. In the morning we merge the water, fill it with clean water, let it boil and then drain again. Now we pour water as much as we need, taking into account the fact that it will boil out in the process of cooking. It is desirable then not to add water. How to boil - remove the foam, cook on low heat for 5 hours. After that, add whole and peeled carrots, onions, parsley and spices, for another hour. Then we take the meat, filter the broth from vegetables and spices. The cooled meat is separated from the bones, divided into fibers and laid out in molds. In the broth, add the salt and garlic passed through the press and pour into the meat. In the fridge, the jellyfish will freeze for five hours.

Cold shoe from the shank classic



Preparation of the shank is the same as in the previous recipe. Also merge the first water after boiling, thanks to this, the jelly will be transparent, we must remove the foam throughout the whole cooking. Also, the tempo of boiling affects the transparency. The broth should barely languish, albeit for a long time, than boil. In five hours we add vegetables, it is possible entirely, and a laurel, but the onion can not be completely cleaned up to the end. The left skin will give a nice shade to the chill. After a lapse of an hour we remove the ruler, we can cut it to cool faster. We carefully filter the broth through gauze. When the meat is cold, we disassemble it with our hands and lay it into molds. And broth we bring to a bright taste with the help of salt, spices and chopped garlic. We pour out the forms, first let them cool down at room temperature, and then clean them in the refrigerator.