The recipe for chebureks at home

Chebureks, like many other simple, but favorite by most recipes, have a huge number of variations, on different scales, different from the original. A classic crisp cheburek with a juicy meat filling is now prepared on a lush and even puff-based basis, and the meat is complemented with cheese, vegetables and spices. In the course of such experiments, a lot of no less delicious "folk" recipes come out, some of which we will talk about in this material.

The recipe for chebureks with meat at home

Let's start with the simplest and most authentic Cheburek recipe in the home, which consists of only minced minced meat with onions, spiced with a minimum of spices and wrapped in a thin layer of crunchy dough on the water.



Bring the water to a boil, dilute in it a generous pinch of salt and pour in the vegetable oil. Having passed the flour through a sieve, make a hole in a flour hill and pour in the center salted boiling water. When the dough is gathered in a com, let it cool to a comfortable temperature for you, and then grasp the kneading. As soon as it becomes plastic to the touch, leave it to rest for half an hour, and then divide into portions and roll to a thickness of a millimeter.

Prepare a simple filling, generously seasoning minced meat with sea salt with freshly ground pepper and pouring there not more than a quarter of a glass of water. Lovers of onions can add minced meat and it, for the sake of succulence and flavor, pre-grinding the vegetable with a blender. Fill the prepared filling in the center of the disc from the dough, fold the edges together and fasten them, traversing them with the prongs of the fork. Fry each cheburek in a large amount of preheated vegetable oil, and ideally - deep-fried, until the crust has a pleasant golden hue.

The recipe for chebureks with vodka at home

Many of those who happened to cook more than a dozen chebureks, say that the most delicious and crunchy dough is obtained if, in addition to water, vodka is included in its composition. The chemical side of the process in this case is not discussed at all, although it is possible that it is simply drowned out by grateful reviews from fans of home chebureks. You can check this popular recipe in your own kitchen.


For the test:

For filling:


The recipe for a test with vodka for chebureks at home is simple: slightly salted water with vegetable oil is brought to a boil and boiled with boiling water half of the whole flour. The resulting sticky dough is supplemented with vodka and transferred to a generously dusted table with flour, being taken for vymeshivanie. When the dough becomes pleasant to the touch, shape it and leave to rest for half an hour.

Already prepared minced meat, then pass through a meat grinder along with onions and garlic cloves. Fill the filling generously, add chopped greens and a quarter of a glass of water.

Roll out the dough, lay in the center of minced meat, fix the edges together and fry the chebureks as usual, in the abundance of oil until the golden crust appears.

Chebureks recipe with cheese at home



Mix the milk with flour and a pinch of salt. Knead the dough, divide into portions, roll and cover with a layer of stuffed grated cheese with greens. Blind the edges of the dough and fry the chebureks deep-fried until tender.