Pregnancy for 28 weeks - what happens?

28 weeks is the third trimester, or the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy. Ahead is the most difficult and responsible stage of waiting. The kid at this time is very active, and the mother can observe his movements along the skin of the abdomen and even his displacement.

If the pregnancy is 28 weeks, then the woman needs to know what is happening at this time with her body and the baby. This will help her mother avoid excitement and calmly prepare for the already early birth.

What happens to the fetus?

So, your pregnancy has a long time - 28 weeks, so the weight of the child is already a kilogram, and maybe a little more. The crumb continues to form rapidly. The gestation period at 28 weeks is different in that fetal development achieves good results:

Having reached 28 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus can be 37-39 cm. The kid will not stop at this - and then he will continue to grow rapidly.

What happens to the mother?

A woman feels that there are big changes in her body.

If the uterus begins to contract, then it shows that its tone is increased. But this is not always a problem: so the mother's body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. If the tone at the 28th week of pregnancy is prolonged, it can lead to premature birth. This is no longer dangerous for the child, because at this time he is quite viable.

Colostrum at the 28th week of pregnancy begins to be developed very actively. The woman observes this by the yellowish droplets on the underwear, which can appear at any time of the day. The reason for panic is that it should not cause, as, indeed, the absence of colostrum secretions.

At the pregnancy period of 28 weeks, a woman has a lower back pain. This is due to the fact that the baby is actively growing, and along with it the uterus and tummy of the mother grows. Such painful sensations should normally be mild, pulling. In addition, the woman should continue to follow the numbers on the scales. From 28 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the mother should increase by 300-500 g per week, not more.

During this critical period, a woman needs to follow certain recommendations: do tests; to eat foods rich in iron; watch your weight.