Why does the former boy dream?

Probably, every fair sex representative at least once in her life saw a dream in which the former guy figured. Such dreams after parting are quite normal, since they reflect inner experiences. But what if the dream appears after a long time, when there are already other relationships. In this situation, we will try to understand.

Why does the former boy dream?

Many girls are sure that the reason is that the guy still loves and constantly thinks. In fact, this is a beautiful excuse, which amneses, but how is this possible? The only option is the presence of his magical abilities, which is almost impossible. In general, dreams are a reflection of your subconscious fears and feelings, so the reason why a former guy often dreams is to look in yourself.

Possible reasons:

  1. Most often this happens when you parted, you could not put all the points above the "and". The presence in real life of thoughts that maybe you made a mistake or you are constantly looking for the perpetrator of what happened. In this case, it is recommended immediately after awakening to record the emotions that you experienced during sleep. For example, if you dream of a former guy's wedding and you are happy for him, this is a symbol of that in past relationships you were happy and somewhere on the subconscious level would like to return everything back. If you feel insulted, then, most likely, in real life you are quite aggressive towards your former partner. When you carefully analyze the dream, find the cause and correct it, then the dreams will disappear by themselves.
  2. Another reason why a former guy often dreams is that he is the projection of some person from your real life. This will be borne out by the fact that dreams of a former lover do not cause you any emotion . In this case, it is recommended that you carefully analyze the dream and determine to whom exactly it looks like, perhaps this is a friend with whom you have much in common. More often such night dreams are a reflection of existing problems and, by solving them, you will get rid of night meetings with a former partner.
  3. If you are having a meeting with an ex-boyfriend, it's probably a signal that you are not comfortable with the current partner. You on a subconscious level compare guys, and in something the current passion loses. In this case, one solution is to frankly talk with your loved one, show him your discontent and solve existing problems.