What does the clinical blood test show?

Usually a visit to the therapist for various reasons is accompanied by a referral for blood donation to the laboratory. Therefore, most patients wonder why a clinical blood test is needed - what this study shows, what diseases can be detected with its help, how informative it is.

What does the clinical analysis of blood from the finger and vein show?

As a rule, for a general study of the biological fluid, it is taken from the finger (capillary). When biochemical analysis requires venous blood.

Modern laboratories conduct a clinical study of only biological fluid from the vein. The fact is that in capillary blood a rather large amount of intercellular component, due to which in the process of sampling material can form microscopic clots from damaged cells. This significantly reduces the information content of the analysis, there will be a need to take it again. Venous biological fluid does not contain an intercellular component, so the blood constituents are not destroyed.

Clinical analysis is usually assigned to confirm the following pathologies:

Also, the study in question is informative for some "childhood" diseases, so many parents are interested in whether the clinical analysis of pertussis will show. Pediatricians on this question give a negative answer. In most cases, a clinical trial is not sufficiently informative in diagnosing whooping cough, it is better to donate blood to specific antibodies (immunoglobulins) and do bacterial culture of the material from under the tongue and from the mucous nasopharynx.

Can a clinical blood test show an oncology?

In malignant tumors of various organs, there are changes in such indicators as the amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes. But it is impossible to diagnose only on the basis of fluctuations in these values, since they are also characteristic of many other pathologies.

Therefore, it should not be asked whether the clinical analysis of blood cancer will show, it is better to perform other, more informative, doctor's appointments for diagnosis.