Acute radiation sickness

Acute radiation sickness combines symptoms of the body's damage, manifested itself due to a single exposure to radiation exposure, whose dose exceeds one gray. The amount absorbed by the body of radiation determines a form characterized by its own peculiarities of percolation.

Symptoms of acute radiation sickness

The nature of the manifestation of the disease is influenced by the stage on which pathology is now located. Consider four periods of acute radiation sickness:

1. The primary signs that arise after a couple of hours after passing through the body of radiation doses are:

After a while these signs gradually disappear.

2. Next comes the next hidden stage, the duration of which is from two to three weeks. Leukocytosis in the second stage turns into leukopenia, thrombocytopenia develops and eventually anemia (anemia) occurs.

3. This stage manifests itself in the rapid deterioration of the patient's condition. Here there are such signs of acute radiation sickness:

After this stage, the probability of a fatal outcome is high due to sepsis , hemorrhagic diathesis, necrotic processes or poisoning of the body.

4. In less serious cases, recovery occurs. The temperature subsides, disappearances disappear, there is a general improvement in the state of health.

Prognosis of acute radiation sickness

Eliminating all the symptoms, you can prepare for the recovery phase. Some time still there is an asthenia. People who suffer from this disease have a risk of getting cataracts. In mild degrees, the prognosis is usually favorable, but even an active complex treatment is sometimes unable to cope with a serious ailment.

Degrees of acute radiation sickness

The nature of the course of the disease is also affected by the extent to which the irradiation was strong, and how high the dose was.

Intestinal form of acute radiation sickness

There is such a defeat when exposed to a human dose of ten to twenty gray. A feature of this degree is the death of cells lining the epithelial tissue of the small intestine. Because of this, water absorption from the lumen of the intestine is impaired. This as a result becomes the cause of dehydration. The risk of toxic substances penetration and contamination with bacteria is also significantly increased.

The Toxic Variety

This disease is formed when receiving radiation in a volume of 20 to 50 gray. In this case, there is a malfunction in the process of blood supply to the brain, its edema, the outcome of which is death.

Cerebral form

This form is characterized by damage to the body by an irradiation dose of more than 50 Gy. The stage proceeds with the death of cells of the nervous system.

Treatment of acute radiation sickness

Treatment is characterized by the intensity of irradiation. Therefore, therapy must strictly correspond nature of the pathological process. The fight against pathology at the first stage provides for the suppression of vomiting by the introduction of special medicines, as well as the use of plasma substitutes for dehydration.

To prevent the risk of infection, patients are isolated. Chambers intended for accommodation of patients are sterilized and treated with bactericidal compositions.

Also the treatment consists in antibiotic therapy with the use of drugs of a wide range of effects. After identifying the pathogen, prescribe special drugs to eliminate it.

In the case of intestinal lesions, the doctor prescribes hunger. Only water is allowed to drink. Duration of treatment can be from one to one and a half weeks.