Useful breakfasts for every day

If there is a desire to get rid of excess weight and to strengthen health, then without proper nutrition can not do. The most important is the morning meal, which is by no means impossible. There are a huge number of simple and healthy breakfasts that will please many. To form the morning menu it is important to take into account the rules of dietetics.

Useful breakfasts for every day

To begin with, there are several arguments that will convince everyone that skipping the morning meal is impossible. Eaten in the morning, food is fuel for the brain, energy for doing day work and the basis for strengthening immunity.

The most delicious and healthy breakfasts:

  1. The first place in the rating of proper nutrition is oatmeal porridge. Cook it better on the water, but for a change in taste, you can supplement it with berries, fruits, honey, cinnamon, greens, etc.
  2. There are people who do not like oatmeal, and they can choose other porridges, for example, buckwheat, pearl barley, wheat, etc. Remember that carbohydrates should not be combined with protein.
  3. Many people like sandwiches in the morning, but yeast bread is harmful to the figure, so it is worth noting such a meal. There are useful sandwiches for breakfast, which are prepared on the basis of grain bread or bread . From above you can put cheese of hard varieties, vegetables, greens, curd mass, boiled fillet, baked beef, tuna, etc.
  4. A delicious and simple snack for morning meals can be prepared in a few minutes, using lavash. As a filling, you can use Peking cabbage, green salad, tomatoes and boiled fillet. For lubrication, you can take a small amount of homemade mayonnaise.
  5. A great option for a healthy breakfast is eggs. The simplest option - just boil them and eat with vegetables. Still it is possible to prepare an omelette with addition of vegetables or cheese, and for a variety of taste use greens and spices.
  6. Many, choosing food for breakfast, prefer sour-milk products, namely cottage cheese. To improve the taste for it you can add chopped greens, dried fruits, berries, fruits and honey. From cottage cheese it is possible to make a casserole with different fillings and wind cilia.
  7. Lovers of sweet can eat breakfast for breakfast: for example, baked apples or a fruit salad.
  8. It is impossible not to mention the popular and very useful smoothies , for which you can use fruits, vegetables and greens. Such cocktails are of great benefit.