Creamer of pancakes

Kournik is a dish with a long history. Traditionally, large curlets were prepared on special occasions, for example, for a wedding, or a holiday of the Trinity. The pie with the greatest variety of toppings was considered to be cooked properly. Typically, the kurik uses not only several types of fillings, but also several types of dough: one prepares pancakes, and another covers the finished pie before baking.

If you are faced with the task of feeding as many people as possible, then you just can not do without the recipes of how to cook a curled pancake.

Recipe for a curlet from pancakes


For the test:

For filling:


Let's start with the preparation of the dough: beat the eggs with sugar, add a good pinch of salt and sugar. Separately sift flour with soda. Add dry ingredients to the egg mass and pour in oil (vegetable or creamy). Next, add sour cream and knead the dough. Ready dough rolled into a ball, covered with food film and left in the refrigerator.

While the dough is resting, let's deal with the filling. Chicken (preferably not breast, otherwise the pie will come out dry) cut into strips and quickly fry until half ready. In a separate frying pan fry mushrooms, if desired, together with the mushrooms, you can also save onions. Salt and pepper both fillings. Eggs boil hard, cool, chop and cut into large pieces. Boiled rice mixed with chopped herbs.

Form for baking oil and put one of the pancakes on the bottom. Over the pancake distribute the filling and repeat the same operation with each subsequent pancake layer.

We roll the dough and cover it with a pancake pie . From the remains of the test, we make the decorations, and in the center of the pie we make a hole and cover it with a ball of dough. Lubricate the kurnik with whipped egg yolk and put in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Preparation of the pancake curry will take 20-25 minutes, while during cooking to the center of the pie, through the previously made hole, you should periodically fill a small amount of chicken broth so that the kurik does not dry up.

Pie-kurik with pancakes


For sauce:


Greased pancakes grease with butter so that they do not become brittle.

We boil the chicken in salted water, and after cooling, we disassemble the fibers. Chicken skin is also put into play, its fat content will not allow the pie to dry out.

We chop and chop onion on vegetable oil. To the fried onion, add chopped mushrooms and fry them until golden brown.

Eggs boil hard boiled and cut into large pieces. Rice cook until ready, cool and mix with chopped dill.

As soon as all the ingredients for the filling are ready, you can take for the sauce: in the saucepan, melt the butter and pass the flour on it. To the fried flour, a thin trickle pour in the milk and reduce the heat. cook the sauce on low heat until thick, then salt, pepper and add nutmeg.

In the greased form, we begin to alternately lay pancakes and stuffing. As soon as the turn comes to the chicken, we add our sauce. We put a kurnik from pancakes with chicken in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.