Why do apples rot on the apple tree?

First, gardeners are pleased with the abundant flowering of apple trees, the fruit string, the planned crop, but one day the plans crumble - on practically ripe apples rot appears. What is this attack? Why do apples rot on the tree from the inside? How to get rid of this disease, which is called "moniliosis"?

Causes of fruit rot

Most often, the fruit rot of apples appears in gardens that grow in a humid and warm climate. Moniliosis affects both the gardens of summer residents and industrial plantations.

The cause of the appearance of rot is sometimes the insects that damage the fruit. In addition, the development of scab leads to the fact that the apples appear cracks. And ordinary hail can be an answer to the question of why apples rot on apple tree branches.

First, small specks of brown appear on the fruits. Then all apples are covered with a crust, similar to small gray pads. Already at this stage of moniliosis, apples are unsuitable even for processing, as their pulp loosens and loses its taste. If the disease on the apple tree progresses closer to the autumn, then the fruits can acquire a glossy black color. Moreover, even when storing apples in a cellar, this disease continues to develop.

Methods of combating fruit rot

Unfortunately gardeners, apples affected by moniliasis, can not be saved. In this case, the rule "prevention is the best protection" is more important than ever. The processing of apple trees should be started already when the fruits in size reach the walnut and up to harvesting. During the period of active growth of apples, at least three treatments must be carried out, the last of which should be carried out no later than a month before harvest. Well proven in the fight against fruit rot such fungicides, such as "Tersen", "Fundazol" and "Skor".

A major role in the prevention of moniliasis is given to agrotechnical techniques. So, during the growing season, horticulturists should manually collect and immediately destroy the rotted apples.

General recommendations

At present, apple varieties with low susceptibility to moniliasis have not yet been released. However, apples of winter varieties that have thick skin and more acidic juice, are more likely to grow to the required size without having to catch fruit rot. With minimal protection, they guarantee a good harvest.