20 exercises Bubnovsky

The essence of treatment according to the method of Bubnovsky is kinesitherapy. Kinesitherapy is translated, as treatment by movement, and it is on this that Dr. Bubnovsky's exercises are built. Their creator is sure that a person is able to heal himself, using the possibilities of his own body. A confirmation of the correctness of this point of view is the famous complex of 20 exercises Bubnovsky. Despite the fact that there is already a stereotype, as if the exercises Bubnovsky designed only for the back, now you will have the opportunity to pump the press .


We will show you the main component of Dr. Bubnovsky's 20 exercises.

  1. We execute legs with legs - we sit down on the floor, legs stretch, our socks on ourselves, we rest on ourselves. The main point in the exercise is always straightened knees. We perform swings of the "scissors" type - we begin by lifting one leg vertically, then alternating the ascent of both legs. As you can see, friends from childhood "scissors" occupy the leading place among 20 basic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky.
  2. Makhi on his side - the main thing is that we lie strictly on the hip, knees straightened, socks on ourselves, we rest on the floor with our hands. We make horizontal scissors, slightly tearing off the legs from the floor. The stomach is trying to keep it tight.
  3. We perform the exercise on the side - the body is stretched in one line, the stomach and buttocks are retracted, the emphasis is on the forearm. We pull the socks forward, we lift to the shoulder of the upper leg with the knee bent, then lower it and swing it with a straight leg.
  4. We do the exercise, lying on the back, the main thing is that our shoulders do not come off the floor. The legs are stretched out on the floor, hands behind the head. We tighten the knees to the chest on exhalation, moving them as much as possible with a greater amplitude. Lowering his legs, nosochki pull forward, bending his legs, nosochki pulling himself.
  5. Hands behind the head, knees bent. We do lifting by the body on exhalation to account four.
  6. We pull the knees to the chest, stretch the press.
  7. We raise on an exhalation straight legs upwards, not lowering them up to the end on a floor.
  8. Knees bent, hands forward, on exhalation we pull hands to knees, tearing off only the scapula.
  9. We stretch our legs, we lower the body forward to the legs.
  10. IP - lying on his side. At the expense of one upper leg bend and turn the groin to the floor, at the expense of two we return to the IP, at the expense of three - we do a swing straight leg.
  11. IP is the same, the knee is thrown forward, as close to itself as possible, then we put the foot back.
  12. We lay down on the floor, hands behind the head, we make a bicycle - alternately we connect on a rise opposite elbows and knees.
  13. Bike lying on his side - on the exhalation bend the lower leg in the knee and pull the elbow of the upper arm to the elbow, letting as far as possible the elbow, bending the knee of the upper leg.
  14. Twisting - we drive as far as possible the knee of the upper leg, on exhalation we withdraw back, straightening, the body at the same time is tilted forward.