When do kittens change their baby teeth?

Like people, kittens are born toothless, so as not to damage the nipples of a cat, because the first month they eat one mother's milk. After two weeks after the appearance of kittens, the first teeth begin to grow in their teeth - incisors, after three to four weeks - fangs, and by the eighth to twelfth week, the babies have all 26 milk teeth.

Change of teeth and care rules

When the teeth change in kittens - the dairy drops out and all the permanent ones grow accordingly. Cats have thirty molars. The jaws have two canines and six incisors at the top and bottom.

On average, cats begin to change their teeth from three months and finish at seven months - this is the norm. This process is long, but, as a rule, painless for pets. Symptoms: when the kittens are changing their teeth, excessive salivation starts, the desire to nibble everything, that a kitten gets caught, there may be a short loss of appetite. Sometimes there may be swelling or redness of the gums .

Cats grow teeth gradually. Permanent incisors erupt in 3-5 months, root canines in 4-5 months, radical premolars - in 4-6 months and molar molars - in 4-7 months. At this time, animal nutrition should be saturated, it is desirable to include calcium and phosphorus in the diet in special supplements.

In British kittens, teeth change when the baby turns four months old, and ends at the age of seven months, as with other breeds. At this time, the kitten's body is weakened and it is not recommended that the animal be vaccinated .

If half a year does not fall out of the milk teeth themselves, it is desirable to remove them, an extra amount of teeth during growth can lead to damage to the gums.

When the process of changing teeth passes, the owner needs to monitor the condition of the animal and contact the veterinarian if any deviations in the kitten are noticed.