Why does not the fruit bear fruit?

Grow large and beautiful bunches of grapes - a whole science, because very often beginners summer residents try to look after the bushes literally on the steps described in various sources. But even blindly following all the recommendations will not be a panacea if the grapes do not bear fruit, because the cause should be recognized for a start. That's what we're gonna do.

What if the grapes do not bear fruit?

To get started, let's look at a list of the most likely reasons:

  1. Beginners are not always correctly distributing places for each crop, and the year passes second, and a certain sort of grapes does not bear fruit, and it is unclear why this happens, because the rest are already pleased with the first bunches. Most likely, you have incorrectly chosen a place for a bush. Ideally, for this culture, the southern, south-western part of the site is identified. He really likes warmth.
  2. Pay attention to the degree of trimming the bush. Excessive efforts usually have a detrimental effect on the crop.
  3. Sometimes the root of the problem lies in the soil itself. You can not get too carried away with nitrogen fertilizers: the grapes begin to throw all their energy into the greens, do not bear fruit, and in such a situation it will be necessary to make a full revision of the feeding, which is not very simple.
  4. Recollect, whether all correctly it has been made in the past to year, after all the bookmark of a crop occurs not in current year.

But you should understand that all of the above can be right for your situation, when all plantings refuse to bear fruit. If we are talking only about some bushes, we move on and select another reason.

Why the grapes do not bear fruit - it's all about blossoming

Pay attention to the problematic bush during its flowering period. Perhaps you have a bush with a female type of flowering and he needs a pollinator. Here everything is simple: if you managed to transfer your pollen from another bush with your own hand, and after a while you can get a formed bunch, just plant a shrub bush nearby. Take note that all kishmish are excellent and versatile pollinators.

It would be nice to know when in general begins to bear fruit grapes, because you can wait from the impossible. As a rule, most varieties begin to give the first harvest in about the fourth year. Why so: you leave one runaway with two buds in the first year of planting, the second one gets two new shoots, and then the gradual formation of the bush begins. As a result, the period when it begins to bear fruit grapes, falls on the full formation of the bush. But to worry about the issue of how many years of fruit grapes, is not particularly necessary, because many varieties after full formation are able to please the harvest to fifty years.