Strawberry growing outdoors

Sweet and fragrant strawberries are widely recognized as a favorite garden berry. Therefore, many owners of dachas decide to allocate a small area for strawberries. True, it is not possible to get a good harvest at once. To help, we will talk about the secrets of growing strawberries in the open.

Growing strawberries in the country - preparation of the site

The best strawberry grows on chernozem soils, in which wood ashes are added. Under the landing choose a sunny plain area, closed from drafts. The hills are not suitable for the berry, although it yields a crop on the southwestern slope. The earth is dug, cleaned of weeds, fertilized if necessary.

Growing strawberries in the open ground - landing

Planting strawberries are engaged in August-September or in the spring, preferably in cloudy weather. One of the main features of growing strawberries is its correct planting in rows at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. It is also important to place seedlings not densely, but on the contrary, rarely. Optimum, if the distance between the bushes will be about half a meter. In addition, for normal growth of strawberries, each bush should be properly buried. Orientation follows the so-called growth point - the heart, which is placed at the level of the soil surface. After planting, the young plants are watered or mulched.

Features of care for strawberries in the open ground

Agrotechnics of growing strawberries means timely watering, fertilizing fertilizers, loosening. Watered beds with seedlings every 1-1.5 weeks, trying not to pour the site. Overmoistening is dangerous for berries - this can lead to the development of rot. It is best for irrigation to apply a watering stop or drip irrigation.

After the drying of the soil, the soil between the rows is loosened for aeration, which improves the development of the root system of the bush. During weeding, weeds and their rhizomes are removed.

Feeding is necessary for strawberries several times during the active vegetation. The first time fertilizers are brought in the spring after the appearance of leaflets. In a bucket of water dilute a tablespoon of ammonium sulfate, add the mullein (2 cups). This mixture is poured by each bush garden beauties in a volume of 0.5 liters. The second time strawberries are fed after harvesting in the middle or late summer, which is necessary to bookmark the kidneys next year. In a bucket of water, dilute a glass of wood ash and two tablespoons of nitrophos.

They cover strawberries for the winter in those regions where frosts are fierce, but there is little snow. To do this, use straw, fallen leaves, slate, cardboard. Every four years the strawberries are transplanted to a new site.