Training of the vestibular apparatus

We need the vestibular apparatus in order to navigate in space. If his work is disturbed, then a person experiences dizziness, can not balance on one or sometimes two legs, and also does not undergo an elementary test, which many neurologists suggest to be performed during examination: you need to close your eyes and touch your finger to the tip of your nose.

This body is part of the inner ear, and the neuropathologist is engaged in the disturbances of his work.

The work of the vestibular apparatus may be disrupted for various brain and CNS diseases, but the most frequent cause of disruption of its work is the VSD .

Training the vestibular apparatus allows you to avoid many troubles in life: for example, riding a carousel, a long ride on the bus, as well as high-speed elevators will not cause a feeling of nausea and dizziness.

How to strengthen the vestibular apparatus?

The poor work of the vestibular apparatus does not always mean that the person is sick. The thing is that this body needs to be trained, and therefore its successful work directly depends on how active the person is.

The vestibular apparatus needs to be trained with physical exercises, since it is responsible for orientation in space and motion.

Restoration of the vestibular apparatus with the help of exercise therapy

The most usual way to train the vestibular apparatus is to engage in physiotherapy exercises. Normal sports can not suit every person, because in order to withstand heavy loads, the body needs to be prepared. Perform the usual exercises - birch, torso with arms apart, and, of course - head turns.

To normally carry frequent turns of the head in one direction, it is necessary that the muscles of the body are strong - otherwise the head may spin and the risk of falling is equal to 99%. Therefore, the main rule is to train the entire body, and give light, but regular loads on each muscle group.

By the way, neck exercises (circular head movements) are a good prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which many people today are prone to because of a sedentary lifestyle.

How to train the vestibular apparatus in adults with the help of yoga?

Yoga is a wonderful way to strengthen the body and develop flexibility. Strong, flexible body allows you to withstand heavy loads, including, and vestibular. When you train the muscles, make them plastic and get a good stretch, proceed to the inversion asanas: kukkutasane (standing on the hands), sarvangasana and pinch maiurasana (you can use other asanas). Inversion exercises require strong hands and good coordination of space. They can be called the highest bar training vestibular apparatus.