Where does cloudberry grow?

Today very few people remember about such a berry as cloudberry. But even relatively recently this berry bore the proud title of "royal". And it is not accidental, because behind its more than modest shell is hidden the real treasury of vitamins. For example, cloudberries simply do not know themselves equal in content of vitamin C. Long ago cloudberries were taken on long hunters hunters - hunters and seafarers, for whom this berry served as a reliable protection against scurvy. Decoctions from its leaves have found wide application in northern folk medicine: they treat diseases of heart and stomach, use for the fastest scarring of wounds and as a febrifuge. To find out where a wonderful berry-cloudberry grows, we suggest to go on a short trip.

Where does cloudberry grow?

Although the shape of the leaves and prompted scientists to think that cloudberry was originally a southern inhabitant, it grows only in the north. This plant successfully survives in severe winters and short, cool, summer. The only thing that she does not like is sharp temperature changes and strong gusts of wind. Today cloudberries can be found in Russia, Finland , Sweden, Denmark, England, Scotland, Canada and some states of America. Cloudberry also grows in Belarus, where it is found in so many small quantities in the northern regions that it is even listed in the Red Book.

Where does cloudberry grow in Russia?

Unlike the Scandinavian countries, where cloudberry growing is put on stream and occurs on special farms, in Russia this berry can be found only in wild conditions. In large numbers, it grows in swamps and in the swampy forests of the Komi Republic, Karelia, the Far East, Kamchatka, the southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions.

Interesting facts about cloudberry:

  1. Moroshka is the next of kin of raspberries. Strictly speaking, its fruits (like raspberries) is wrong to call berries - it's a multi-tuft.
  2. The fruits of cloudberries contain most of the vitally important vitamins: C, A, E, B1, B2, PP.
  3. Although cloudberries live in the northern regions, it does not tolerate frosts and other vagaries of the northern climate.
  4. Berries cloudberries during maturation change color first from green to red, and then to yellow.
  5. It can be stored for more than half a year without sugar or freezing.
  6. Collecting cloudberries is necessary in a half-ripe state, since fully ripened it easily suffocates.