Pigmented spots on hands after 50 years

Pigmented spots most often appear in women after 50 years. A difficultly removable cosmetic defect signals a violation of the functioning of the liver, an organ associated with the cleansing of the body of metabolic products and various toxins. It is natural that for many women who have reached adulthood, the problem becomes acute, how to remove senile pigment spots on the hands.

Prevention of age spots

To choose the most effective means for eliminating age spots on the hands, you should find out why there are dark formations on the skin.

A favorite place of pigmentation is the areas on the body that are open to the sun. It is ultraviolet radiation is a provoking factor for the appearance of spots on the hands. Therefore, women who have reached a certain age, it is important to protect the hands (like other open parts of the body) from the sun with protective creams. Benefit is currently the choice of means that reduce the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, is significant.

How to get rid of age spots on the hands?

If senile pigment spots are already on hand, the question of how to get rid of unpleasant formations becomes topical. There are several options for solving the problem:

1. Salon procedures aimed at eliminating stains. The most effective of them are:

2. Application of clarifying creams based on components with whitening effect. The most positive reviews are cosmetic products with the following content:

Earlier, bleaching creams based on mercury have also been used, but in recent years they have not been recommended because of the toxic properties of liquid metal.

Pigmented spots on the hands and body of a woman after 50 years can be derived by regularly applying the recipes of traditional medicine. To the means with the brightening effect of pigmented formations are:

Recipes from pigment spots on the hands

Here are the recipes of home remedies for combating pigment spots, suitable for ladies after 50 years.

Banana mask with lemon juice


Preparation and application

Stretch the pulp of the banana, squeeze the lemon juice and mix with the fruit pulp. There also pour glycerin. The composition is applied to the skin for 30 minutes, after which it is removed with cotton rolls moistened in milk.

Honey and lemon mask


Preparation and application

Squeeze lemon juice and honey into a homogeneous mixture. Apply the compound on the back of the hands for 30 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Compress of black radish

Black radish rubbed on the grater and applied to the skin moistened with the help of cream. After 20 minutes, the grated mass is removed, and the hands are moistened in cold milk.

Attention! Providing the body with the necessary amount of vitamin C is an important component of preventive measures against pigmented spots. In this regard, the diet should include vitamin-rich foods, and in the winter-spring period, in addition, take vitamin complexes.