What can not be done in Ilin day?

It is worth noting that Ilya also patronizes the natural elements that the pagan God Perun had: rain, thunder and lightning. And since its image is directly connected with water elements, many people have appeared in the people reflecting this connection.

Features of Ilyin's Day

It was believed that you can not swim in the ilyin day, but in addition to the ban on bathing, there were other restrictions, rites , signs and beliefs.

Signs of this day indicated that the summer had gone to a decline, and autumn - not far off: the nights grew longer and darker, the first withered leaves appeared.

As for bathing, there was even a saying: "Before Ilyin's Day people bathe, and from Ilyin - with the river says goodbye." From the point of view of nature, such a ban was fully justified. Reducing the duration of daylight hours led to a decrease in the water temperature, which could cause bathers convulsions and cause death or colds.

However, the people interpreted the ban, that it is impossible to swim in another day. It was believed that from this day on, all the evil forces living in the water come back from their forest shelters, where she escaped from the heat, into the ponds, and the bathers can be dragged to the bottom by mermaids, who were here in large numbers.

What else can not be done on the feast of Elijah the Prophet?

Not only with the ban on bathing this holiday is connected. People's traditions determined that it is impossible to do a day in Il'in.

  1. On this day, they tried not to drive the cattle out to pastures, since they believed that hungry wolves came out of their shelters and could cut the whole herd.
  2. The prohibitions of this day extended not only to fishing: fishermen themselves could become prey for evil spirits.
  3. Putnikam could not be arranged for rest under lonely trees, so that lightning, which was not a rarity on that day, did not kill.
  4. Also, travelers were not recommended to stand for long at the crossroads, otherwise all sorts of evil could gather there.
  5. On August 2, in the day of Il'in, it was believed that cleaning and cleaning of mirrors or shaving dishes should not be done. The mirror had to be weighed with a cloth so that its shine would not attract an unclean force, which could live with pleasure in it, but in shiny dishes - reflected and frightened the household.
  6. Prohibitions related to water, and related to the household: the question whether it is possible to wash in the day of Il'in, was decided negatively.

But the feast of Elijah the Prophet brought success to beekeepers: he was successful for distilling bees, who were revered as great toilers.

By this time, the peasants had to mow all the hay that they were preparing for the winter, and the very threshold of the holiday was filled with large agricultural work.

Work or relax?

Of course, after the summer work, Ilyin August 2 gave the opportunity to concentrate now on the preparation for the fall, but it was necessary to dedicate it to the saint. The church demanded that Ilya the prophet be praised at this feast, praying in his address, and explained, in Il'in's day, why it is impossible to work.

  1. Ilya the Prophet could punish for his disrespectful attitude towards him, striking the house with lightning.
  2. Those who tried to go to work in the field that day, Ilya could burn all the crops.
  3. It was forbidden even to go into the garden, as the cucumber sticks could fade, and cucumbers - rot.

It was a sin to work on that day, but you could glorify the saint, and also bake bread from the grain of a new crop. The whole family had to try freshly baked bread, and, in addition, the grain edge of the new crop was necessarily served to the poor.

The youth sang songs, conducted round dances, however it was forbidden loudly to shout and laugh.

If it rained on that day, it was a good sign to wash the rain water. It was believed that Elijah the Prophet saturates her with a special healing power, and she is able to wash away all ills and ailments.