Runic formulas for all occasions

Runes attract their mystery and ease of use. Wearing jewelry from the runes is not only stylish and beautiful, but also useful. Drawed runic formulas for all occasions affect a person positively and help him achieve his goal much faster.

To make protective runic formulas for yourself is simple: just choose the right one and transfer it to the decoration. In the original, runes are burned out on wooden planks or cut out. You can also engrave on a stone, suitable for you on the sign of the zodiac.

There are runic formulas for health, beauty, success in business and there are separate stakes for all occasions. They can be used even for beginners.

Compound formulas for all occasions

Before you compose your talisman, draw a rune on a sheet, try to make a picture that you like more. This is necessary for raising the mood and faith. Thoughts will independently arrange the runes in a way that is beneficial to your body, if you focus on your business and will think about the best outcome of the event. The answer to the question which runic formulas have the greatest power - which you created for yourself.

Runic formula for luck and profit, health and love

Draw the runes first in one row, look at them, study thoroughly. Then, on a separate sheet, start compiling them in turn. Start with the one that you liked the most, to what pulls - it will be the basis, this is the runic formula for the fulfillment of the desire for you personally.

A few popular and strong runic signs, which will always come to your aid in time:

  1. Fehu is a simple rune, meaning a complete material good. In combination with some possible runes, its strength can triple. In this case, it is not at all necessary to carry the rune constantly on yourself. Suppose you applied Fehu on the skin with henna or ink - after 2-4 hours you can safely wash off the picture, because the energy of the rune has already passed into your body.
  2. Dagaz - health and well-being, family prosperity.
  3. Evas - put in the formula if you want to move the business from a dead point. It is also used in the formula of love, if a person can not for some reason find his soul mate, and when selling a house to faster to find buyers and if you want to have children.
  4. Vuño is the lucky rune of luck, the fulfillment of a dream, a good mood. It is often used in the fight against depression .
  5. Ansouz - is placed next to the runes of wealth, if you are striving to conclude a successful transaction, sign a profitable contract. This rune of eloquence.
  6. Otal is a protective family rune. A good remedy for envy and evil eye.
  7. Laguz - rune, acting on intuition. When it is entered in the formula for a business meeting, you unmistakably determine whether they want to deceive you or tell the truth.