Diphyllobothriasis - treatment

This disease is caused by helminths of the genus of tapeworms. In the absence of therapy, the size of the parasite can reach 12 m, so it is important to take immediate action to eliminate diphyllobothriasis - the treatment is tolerated normally and, if the doctor's recommendations are followed, the predictions are very favorable.

Diagnosis of diphyllobothriasis in humans

The main ways to identify infection - analysis of feces for diphyllobothriasis and blood for the content of eosinophils . In addition, the significance of the history:

Additional methods of research in rare cases are radiography and colonoscopy.

Treatment of diphyllobothriasis with Biltricide

The drug is based on prazikvantel - active substance, which has a strong anthelmintic effect. The effectiveness of therapy with this drug reaches 95%.

The method of application of the drug consists in a single intake of tablets for 1-3 days three times a day. Dosage is calculated in accordance with a type of tapeworm, which acts as a causative agent of the disease. It is recommended to drink capsules before meals, or during a meal, without chewing. The interval between the procedures should be at least 5 hours.

With severe anemia, vitamin complexes, biologically active additives with iron are additionally prescribed.

Treatment of diphyllobothriasis by other means and with the help of traditional medicine

No less effective in the therapy of pathology is Fenasal, Prazikvantel. These drugs are similar in composition and pharmacokinetics to Biltricid.

An unconventional method of treatment is the reception of pumpkin seeds (raw). Eat 300 g of the product on an empty stomach, in a prone position. To improve the taste of the medicine, you can dry the seeds in the oven and grind them with a small amount of natural honey.