Analysis of stool for dysbiosis

Normal microflora in the intestine is a pledge and proper digestion, and good immunity, resistant to various infections. When symptoms appear that indicate a change in its composition, it is recommended to perform an analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis. Based on this study, a gastroenterologist can judge the need for correction of intestinal biocenosis, the appointment of special preparations for its recovery.

What shows the analysis of feces for dysbiosis?

The considered laboratory test allows to determine the qualitative and quantitative ratio of bacteria in the intestine. On 1 ml of the body content there are about 100,000 various microorganisms. Most of them are:

In some parts of the intestine, for example, in the distal part of the ileum, the concentration of microbes increases to 100 million per ml. Here live:

The large intestine contains mainly lactobacilli and clostridia.

With irrational use of antibiotics, weakening of the immune system, chemical and radiation therapy, under the influence of other damaging factors, the balance of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic bacteria is disrupted. Some representatives of normal flora can completely disappear, whereas fungi, salmonella, shigella and similar microorganisms begin to multiply intensively.

The described process sometimes accompanies the intolerance of certain foods. In such cases, the feces analysis for dysbacteriosis and hemostasis is simultaneously administered. The last study provides detection of irritant food types, the presence of allergic reactions.

Naturally, a violation of the intestinal biocenosis always entails the defeat of other organs - the stomach, spleen, pancreas. A comprehensive approach is required for qualitative diagnosis. Therefore, gastroenterologists are often advised to make a coprogram or a biochemical analysis of feces together with a study for dysbiosis. This allows us to draw conclusions about the digestive ability and enzymatic activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the examined examination is prescribed with such symptoms:

How to collect a feces analysis for a dysbacteriosis?

In order for the study to be as precise as possible, it is necessary to follow such rules:

  1. Before the collection of feces, urinate.
  2. Prepare a special bedpan. Disinfect it and rinse it thoroughly with water, rinse with boiling water.
  3. Collect stool in the vessel.
  4. Spoon from a sterile kit for the analysis of feces to take a small amount of feces and place them in a container with a lid. The amount of biomaterial should not be more than 1/3 of a jar.
  5. Take the feces to the laboratory for 3 hours. It is advisable to keep it in the cold.


How correctly to hand over the analysis of a feces on a dysbacteriosis?

The informative nature of the survey depends on the composition of the feces, their freshness and the naturalness of emptying. Therefore, the correct preparation for the analysis of feces for dysbiosis is extremely important:

  1. Collect material before the start of treatment with chemical drugs and antibiotics.
  2. For 3-4 days, stop using laxatives and rectal suppositories.
  3. Do not hand over feces obtained by enema or after radiologic examination with a contrast agent.