Prevention of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis - age-related changes in blood vessels, leading to thinning of their walls, decreased elasticity of connective tissue, accumulation of fatty deposits in the lumens. Despite the inevitability of the process, it is possible to significantly remove negative changes in time, practicing the prevention of atherosclerosis.

What areas include the prevention of atherosclerosis?

Prevention includes:

To ensure a decent old age and excellent health, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for the prevention of arteriosclerosis of the vessels daily. It does not matter what type of atherosclerosis you want to do prophylaxis - vessels of the brain or lower limbs.

Let us consider in more detail the first two points.

Balanced diet

To prevent clogging of blood vessels with fatty deposits, it is necessary to exclude from the menu:

  1. Animal fats. Dairy products should be present on the table in minimum quantities. Fatty meat is excluded completely.
  2. Trans fats - the so-called margarines and spreads, consisting of vegetable fats, subjected to chemical treatment.
  3. Refined sugar, leading to a violation of lipid metabolism, and therefore, to vascular disease.
  4. Yolks of eggs - almost entirely composed of bad for human "bad" cholesterol .
  5. Such drinks as strong tea or coffee. One of their qualities is the toning of the vascular tissue, which quickly leads to its deterioration. It should be remembered that green tea contains more caffeine than black tea, and is no less dangerous.

Useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis will be vegetables, fish, vegetable oils, fruits, rye and whole wheat bread, cereals, spices. You can add fiber and bran to the menu. It is noticed that the inclusion in the diet of 1-2 tablespoons of bran daily allows you to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood by 30% per month.

Physical activity

For the purpose of prevention, do not necessarily exhaust yourself with professional sports. On the contrary, power sports with high loads are an obstacle to the prevention of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower limbs. It is known that professional athletes suffer from varicose veins and its complications, including atherosclerosis.

It is enough to go in for sports on an amateur level. Team games in the fresh air, swimming, unhurried morning jogs are not without reason considered a guarantee of health.

Prophylaxis of atherosclerosis with drugs

Among the drugs used for prevention, we can distinguish:

All these drugs have side effects and contraindications, so they are appointed by the doctor.

Folk remedies for the prevention of atherosclerosis

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

The fruits are steamed with boiling water, they insist for a quarter of an hour. Drink instead of tea three times a day.

Recipe # 2


The raw material is placed in a container and filled with water. Heat the liquid to 40-50 degrees and insist for an hour. Filter the infusion and three times a day use a tablespoon.

Folk remedies can be used in the absence of allergies and other contraindications to plant components.