How to water the carrot after planting?

In the kitchen, any housewife can find an orange vegetable - carrots , which is used in almost every traditional dish for us. In view of such popularity of root crops, many owners of cottages and vegetable gardens try to grow it on their own, having received as a result environmentally friendly carrots. However, from the moment of planting to harvesting the long-awaited harvest, many nuances should be taken into account. Especially it concerns irrigation. So, it's about whether you need to water the carrots after planting and how to properly implement this procedure.

How to water the carrot after planting?

In general, like any plant, carrots without watering will not grow. Therefore, moistening the soil after planting is simply necessary. At the same time, please note that this crop is rather demanding for irrigation, but it does not tolerate both waterlogging and insufficient moisture content. In the first variant, the tops develop too much and the root crop is cracked. In the absence of watering, the growth of all parts of the carrot does not occur properly, the fruit is bitter, and its skin becomes stiff.

If we talk about when to water the carrots after planting, then the first watering should be done as soon as seedlings appear on the beds. And each time the series is poured in sufficient measure. For example, for young plants, about 3-4 liters per square meter of the beds are optimal. As the vegetable grows, the moisture content is increased so that the soil soaks to the depth of the lower part of the root crop (about 30-35 cm). At the same time, 7-8 liters of water are used for every square meter.

As to how often you need to water the carrots after planting, then you should take into account a few nuances. If the weather is sunny and dry, the site should be watered twice a week. If the frequency of irrigation is high, it is recommended to increase it to three per week. Approximately in the middle of the summer watering the beds less often - about once every seven to ten days, not forgetting to increase the water volume. By the end of the summer, watering is carried out as necessary, that is, when dry weather is observed. But for 10-15 days before harvesting, it is recommended to stop watering. Some gardeners recommend watering the beds for the night before harvesting the roots. Such a measure will help the vegetable to remain juicy.

An important aspect is how to properly water the carrots after planting. Watering beds before the emergence should be carried out from the watering can. Likewise, they do the same with young immature plants. In the future, the area with carrots can be watered by sprinkling.