Cupboard with sandblast

A beautiful closet sand-blast is a matte pattern made on the facade through a stencil by spraying fine sand under pressure with air. This image is considered not very expensive in comparison with other types of decoration. In particular, luxurious mirrors are obtained. It can be applied from the front or from the back. The decoration on the back is very practical, because the picture will not get dirty.

Figures sandblasting on the sliding-door wardrobes

There are different solutions: first, when the decor becomes opaque, and the mirror is transparent, or vice versa - a mirror image on an opaque plane.

Images of sandblasters on the plane of the facades of the cabinet-compartment perform only a decorative role, and reduce the reflecting surface of furniture.

The picture can be either matte or colored. Its shade can be selected for wallpapers or any dominant piece of interior. For example, the applied image in the form of hieroglyphs or sakura branches, will be appropriate for the placement in the Japanese style . The subjects of the drawings are the most diverse - oriental style , people and faces, animals, ornaments and patterns, flowers.

Often the picture on furniture is made a copy of the image on curtains, upholstered furniture or walls.

Mirrors on a wardrobe or glass, supplemented with a sandblast pattern, are a real work of art. Figures can have a variety of shades of grounds - silver, bronze or graphite, which is important for interiors of different styles.

Such a decor is distinguished by its durability. It does not burn out in the sun, does not dim and does not lose its original appearance. The closet with sandblast, equipped with a sliding system, will be guaranteed to please owners with their design for many years. This is a quick and inexpensive way to enrich the interior.