Tritons in the aquarium - the maintenance and care of an exotic pet

Aquatic newts in the aquarium, whose contents at home can become a real hobby, are close relatives of the Newts. These amphibians, being amphibians, live on land and in water. Therefore, the aquaterarium for them should include not only the water part, but also the land area, where they can go out to breathe.

Tritons in the aquarium - species

In nature, there are many species of this amphibian. Aquarists are mainly engaged in breeding three varieties:

  1. Triton ordinary . The abdomen is yellow with specks, the back is light brown. On the head there are dark longitudinal bands. The length of such a newt reaches 8-11 cm.
  1. The comb . These newts in the aquarium reach a size of 18 cm. Their color varies from dark brown to black on the upper part of the trunk. The belly is bright orange. Males are always slightly brighter than females, during the breeding period, they have a dorsal crest and a separate scallop on their back. Hence the name of this species appeared. The females do not have such ridges.
  1. The thorny newt . Got its name for fins on the sides of the body fins, hidden in leather tubercles. This is their defense mechanism. If you try to grab such a newt, he will release his "needles." Color of representatives of this species is dark green, the abdomen is yellow with small specks. Its size reaches 30 cm.

How many lives does a newt in an aquarium?

As the experience of breeders shows, the newt of a house in an aquarium lives much longer than in a natural environment. The fact is that in the living nature of these not very large amphibians there are many enemies - birds, larger amphibians, fish and other animals. Negative influence is exerted by the deteriorating ecology of water bodies. The average life expectancy at their will is a maximum of 10 years. But newts in the aquarium , the content of which is accompanied by competent care, live up to 20-30 years.

Triton - content at home

It can not be said that the content of the aquarium triton is an absolutely simple matter. They need attention and a competent approach. Care, feeding and breeding them in a home aquarium requires certain knowledge and skills. But, having surrounded your pets with due care, you can enjoy their gracefulness, humor, beauty, watching them through the walls of the aquarium for many years. By the way about the aquarium: how should it be in size and content, so that the life of the newt in it would be comfortable?

In which aquarium to keep a newt?

First of all, it should be a horizontal aquarium. The minimum volume of water per triton is 10-20 liters. The basic conditions for keeping a newt:

  1. Water temperature . Being a cold-blooded animal, the newt reacts very sharply to violations of the temperature regime. The optimum temperature for them is + 18-22 ° C. Approximately such conditions surround them in natural reservoirs.
  2. Stiffness and acidity . The water should be soft or medium - 5-15 dGH. The acidity index should be at the level of 5.5-7.8 ph.
  3. Lighting . Choose a better fluorescent lamp that does not heat the water.
  4. Ground . Its fractions should be noticeably larger than the head of the newt, so that it can not accidentally swallow it.
  5. Plants . Instead of artificial it is better to choose the living. In them, the female will be able to lay eggs during the breeding season.
  6. Filter . A standard internal filter can be used without aeration. Tritons themselves go out on land to breathe oxygen.
  7. The land . This condition is mandatory. Tritons like to sit on the island very much, they spend a lot of time on land.

Who can live with a newt in an aquarium?

Being closed and detached animals, newts in the aquarium, the content of which presupposes the presence of neighbors, need a variety of shelters. More or less a good newt is getting along in an aquarium with such fish as guppies, cardinals, goldfish and neon. To tryton did not open them on the hunt, you need to feed it in time. It is also possible to place several large snails in the aquarium - they will not swallow a newt even with a great desire.

How to care for a newt at home?

One of the peculiarities of newts is their need to fall into a hibernation. The wintering period for these amphibians is in October. Starting this month, you should gradually reduce the light day and reduce the water temperature to + 15-17ºС. Animals themselves move to a shaded place, where they are in a state of complete rest for 2 months. Care of newts at home outside their hibernation period includes periodic partial water changes, proper and timely feeding.

What to feed the newt in the aquarium?

We gradually approached the main question - what do the newts eat at home. The main component of their diet is protein. Its source is a small fry, tadpoles, worms, a pipe man, shrimp, slugs. If you can not often feed newts with live food, you can replace it with thawed fish and squid. With pleasure they will eat offal, liver and raw chicken meat. Everything must be finely chopped so that the animal does not have problems with swallowing food.

When in the aquarium in addition to the newts there are other inhabitants, feeding should be done separately. They are given food by tweezers, having previously pinched a piece in front of them. The mode of feeding is especially important for adults. Feed them once a day. Older newts are fed less often - every other day. Every month for all of them it is important to arrange a break from eating for 3-4 days.

Reproduction of newts in the aquarium

Reproduction of newts does not cause great difficulties. By nature they are very prolific. They have a breeding season in the spring. Exiting wintering, the male gradually becomes brighter, which signals its readiness for mating. At this time, you can transplant the female to him. The temperature of the water must be lowered to + 18 ° C and lower. The animals multiply through internal fertilization.

Pregnant female must be planted in a separate terrarium, where there are many plants. In their leaves, it will spawn, incidentally turning the tips. Larvae hatch for 20-30 days. First they will hide in dense greenery. After 3 months they will look like ordinary adults.

Diseases of aquatic newts

Tritons can be affected by various diseases. Basically, triton diseases are caused by fluctuations in the environment. Some of them are related to the digestive system. It can be anorexia, when they stop eating due to severe stress, intestinal obstruction due to ingesting the soil, parasites. Quite often newts are affected by fungal diseases, and not only external tissues, but also internal organs are affected.

One of the most common ailments of newts is sepsis ("red leg"). The disease is infectious, it is very poorly tolerated. Its cause is toxins and germs that get into the blood. Another serious disease is dropsy. They are affected by newts in the aquarium, if their content is not carried out correctly. If you find any problems with your health, you should immediately contact a specialist for help.