The most effective way to clean the belly and sides

An ideal figure, impeccable proportions - almost every girl can easily realize this dream. There are several most effective ways to help remove excess fat on the stomach and sides. Thanks to a strong desire to carry out the plan and the desire to always look attractive, any beauty after 30 days can have a stunning appearance.

Why fat is deposited on the stomach and sides?

Before proceeding to a more detailed description of exercises and products with which you can achieve the desired 90-60-90, it is important to mention the factors that cause the appearance of hated extra pounds.

First, to date, supermarkets are overcrowded with products (margarine, fast foods, cookies), which include dangerous trans fats or low quality vegetable fats.

Secondly, frequent stresses, malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle - all this contributes to the appearance of tummy and sides. In addition, during the menopause fat cells are redistributed throughout the female body, primarily, "settling" in the abdomen.

In addition to the above, excess weight is affected by the excess of the hormone cortisol, because of the overabundance of which the fat does not split and accumulates in the above areas of the body.

How to burn fat on the stomach and sides?

  1. We use products with a low percentage of fat . Everyone knows that one's food should be carefully monitored. So, to get rid of the abdomen and fat on the sides, it is important to include in your diet fresh fruit, whole grain bread, vegetables, brown rice, foods containing a large amount of starch. But sweets, chocolate, baked goods and other goodies will only harm the figure.
  2. More exercise . An effective way to clean the belly and sides is with the fitball, with hula-hoop (15 minutes a day is enough), with weighting agents (with their help, the effectiveness of each exercise will increase many times). If we talk in more detail about training, then they should include a "bicycle", slopes, rotation of the body in the sides.
  3. Get rid of bad habits . Sporting helps to get closer to the cherished dream, and eating excessively high-calorie food before going to bed, smoking, abuse of alcoholic beverages on the contrary distance us from achieving a beautiful figure.
  4. We walk in the fresh air and do not look for excuses . A healthy sleep, like walking, helps to quickly get rid of the stomach and sides. It will not be superfluous to mention that excuses like "I'll never lose weight", "I can not do it" will only worsen the situation. Want to lose weight? Then boldly go to your goal , and do not make excuses why today did not have time to perform a number of physical exercises.