Pills from stomach pain

The modern pace of life forces a person to constantly hurry and pay little attention to one's own health. This leads to the fact that only unpleasant symptoms are eliminated without finding out the causes of the problem and adequate treatment. Especially often this situation occurs in diseases of the digestive system. Perhaps that's why tablets from stomach pain are in great demand in pharmacies. But before you engage in self-medication, it is desirable to find out the root cause of discomfort, and what kind of drug is needed.

Pain in the stomach - treatment with pills

First of all, it is worth mentioning a number of diseases that cause such a symptom:

If you know the diagnosis, most likely, it will not be difficult to find the appropriate medicines due to the appointment of the treating gastroenterologist. In other cases it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristic symptoms of diseases.

What pills to drink, if the stomach hurts with gastritis and ulcers?

Inflammatory processes on the mucous organ, as well as erosive lesions can occur with both reduced and increased acidity of the juice. Therefore, you first need to find out which form of the disease is progressing.

As a rule, gastritis and an ulcer combine such clinical manifestations as heartburn, belching, abdominal pain and a pulling sensation in the navel.

Effective preparations:

If these pills do not help and the stomach hurts more, you should seek help from a specialist and supplement therapy with phyto-drugs, for example, with chamomile infusions or St. John's wort.

At a pancreatitis the stomach - treatment and tablets hurts

The defeat of the pancreas often manifests itself as the surrounding shearing pain syndrome in the region of the left hypochondrium and navel.

For rapid elimination of discomfort, antispasmodics (Riabal, Drotaverin, No-Shpa) and enzymatic preparations (Pangrol, Creon) are recommended. Slightly expressed symptoms and rare errors in observing a therapeutic diet allow using less potent medicines, such as Mezim or Festal.

What pills to drink from stomach pain with cholecystitis?

The presence of large or small stones in the gallbladder also often provokes weak aching pain in the upper abdomen and under the right lower rib.

Pain syndrome is helped by pain relief, especially Riabal and No-Shpa Forte. If the symptomatology is stagnant, it is advisable to use drugs to normalize the gallbladder function:

With bloating and flatulence, good results can be achieved through the intake of Infacol, Espoumisan, Gaspospase and Disflatil.

After taking the pill, the stomach hurts

The most common cause of the problem is colitis - inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Usually they develop against the background of infections, accompanied by a violation of the stool and dysbiosis. This is especially true after a long reception of antibiotics, one of the side effects of which is a change in the intestinal microflora, severe pain in the stomach.

Normalize the patient's condition with the following drugs:

These drugs are complex agents that combine lacto- and bifidobacteria, which facilitate the natural colonization of the intestine by beneficial microorganisms.

To relieve pain, it is recommended that No-Shpa, but only with severe discomfort.