Cosmetic oils for face instead of cream

Many representatives of the fair sex for sure at least once, but were surprised when foreign celebrities told that their beauty they managed to preserve through the abandonment of professional skin care products in favor of natural products. But it's a fact! Indeed, the use of cosmetic oils for the face instead of traditional creams - the solution is fully justified. All because there are no potentially dangerous chemical additives in them, and constituents are 100% natural.

What kind of oil for the face to choose instead of cream?

Each of us is accustomed to using a battery of different branded cosmetics. They really show a good result, but at the same time they violate the natural balance of the epidermis. The skin because of them begins to produce sebum in large quantities, becomes thin and easily vulnerable. And at attempt to mask any disadvantages powder or a voice-frequency cream pores only are hammered.

The secret of the success of using oils for the face instead of the cream is simple: the agents favorably affect the skin and do not disturb its protective layer:

  1. One of the most popular is peach seed oil . A few drops are easily rubbed into the pre-steamed skin and then washed off with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.
  2. Extremely popular cosmetic oil for facial skin, which has long been used instead of cream - olive . It is a natural antioxidant, containing in its composition a huge amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements. It can be used as a night cream, a remedy for the skin around the eyes, a cleansing tonic.
  3. Tea tree oil has fungicidal and bactericidal properties. Therefore, it is recommended to use girls with problem skin . The product does not cause allergies and does not cause irritation.
  4. Almond oil for the face can be used instead of wrinkle cream. It has a lot of vitamin E - the one that slows down the aging process. In addition, the agent contains components that normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Useful jojoba oil is very similar in composition to human sebum. This is a universal substance that is suitable for all skin types. It can be used in the fight against acne.
  6. Rare enough for oils used, instead of creams - the possibility of moisturizing the face . But arganovoy this effect can boast.