Massage cream

A good massage will not hurt anyone. And without a good cream, a pleasant massage will be very difficult. Massage creams allow you to get the maximum benefit from the procedure. The choice of means is great enough, and they are selected in each case individually.

How to choose a massage cream?

To choose a cream is actually not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Affect the choice can and individual characteristics of a person, and the goals pursued by the procedure of massage. So, for example, people with too delicate skin are better to give preference to creams containing soothing, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory components.

To a relaxing massage, the cream based on aromatic essential oils can be used. But anti-cellulite massage without the use of a special cream with a warming-up or freezing effect is impossible to imagine at all. Do not be superfluous in the composition of any product and vitamins.

The best massage creams for face and body

The choice of a variety of drugs used during the massage, is large enough. You can find the most suitable tool, only experimenting a bit.

Some experts do massage with an ordinary baby cream , while others prefer a more serious means, issued by the following brands:

Of a fairly wide range of massage anti-cellulite drainage creams the most qualitative and effective is Floresan. This product is suitable for all skin types, it acts gently, but the result from its application can be noticed after a couple of procedures.