Than diluted mascara?

Many faced the problem when mascara, quite recently acquired, begins to thicken and dry out. If the shelf life is ok, the cause of drying can be frequent opening and shaking the carcass with a brush, in which it is excessively saturated with air. Than you can dilute mascara, if it thickens and dried, to slightly extend the time of its use, we will consider further.

Ways of "resuscitation" of dried carcasses

When choosing dilution agents for mascara, first of all, their safety for the eyes should be taken into account. This especially applies to those who have a tendency to allergic reactions. Here are some common and safe ways, the better to dilute mascara, if it withered.


If the carcass contains wax or paraffin, you can try to return the mascara to its original state by immersing the closed vial for several minutes in hot water, after which you shake it thoroughly. You can also add a couple of drops of hot water to the brush of the brachromatic, but in this case the water must be cleaned and boiled.

Eye drops

For this method, almost any eye drops that do not contain antibiotics and hormones are suitable, but it is best to use tools such as Vizin or Oftagel. It will take only 2 - 3 drops to make the mascara get a normal consistency.

Fluid for contact lenses

A liquid designed to store lenses can be an excellent means for diluting carcasses. It is absolutely safe, because on the composition is similar to the human tear and has disinfecting properties. Therefore, this drug is ideal for allergy sufferers.

Make-up Remover Oil

This is also an acceptable and quite effective way of diluting a thickened mascara. In this case, it is also enough to add a couple of droplets to the bottle and shake thoroughly. If the mascara is waterproof , the only way to dilute it is to add a liquid to remove the waterproof makeup.

Tonic or face lotion that does not contain alcohol

These cosmetic products also perfectly cope with the task of diluting mascara, without harming neither eyelashes nor eyes.

Moisturizing cream or eyeliner

By these means, you can also try to dilute mascara. It takes 1 - 2 drops, which must be gently squeezed into a vial of mascara and shaken several times with a brush.

Than you can not dilute mascara?

And now we list the means that should not be used to dilute the carcass to avoid harming the eyes.


Add to the ink saliva (as women did in the Soviet era) is strictly prohibited, tk. it contains many microorganisms, which, if accidentally ingested into the eye together with mascara, can cause an inflammatory process.

Alcohol and alcohol-containing products

This method can be dangerous for the eyes, as well as for the eyelashes, so do not take risks and try to dilute the ink lotion with alcohol, cologne, cognac, etc.

Vegetable oil

Do not use oil as a solvent for mascara. It will not bring any particular harm to the eyes, but the quality of the carcass will suffer from this, and it will not be possible to use it normally.

Finally it is worth noting that the recommended period of use of mascara is 3 months from the date of opening the bottle. And it does not matter whether you use it daily or have used it for just a couple of times. Therefore, if you care about your health, do not use old mascara, but buy a new one.