Victim behavior

Victim behavior is one of the varieties of borderline behavior. It's about situations where the behavior of a person provokes an offense. The basis of the concept of victimology came from the Latin "victim" - the victim. This concept is a collection of acquired by man physical, mental and social traits and signs that increase the likelihood of turning him into a victim of crime or destructive actions.

The reasons for victim behavior are most often attributed to a person's predisposition to become a victim. Often this behavior manifests itself unconsciously, spontaneously.

In our time, there are different options for classifying the victim's behavior, but a unified classification system has not yet been adopted. V.S. Minsk, considering the mechanism of victim behavior, draws attention to the fact that in most crimes of a violent nature, the victim's behavior triggered the crime. In the course of her study of murders and serious bodily harm, it was found that in most cases (95%), just before the incident, there was a conflict between the victim and the perpetrator.

D.V. Rihvman believes that it is necessary to classify victims according to age, sex, status in society, moral and psychological characteristics, as well as the gravity of the crime and the degree of the victim's guilt.

People at risk of becoming victims show different types of victim behavior:

  1. Aggressively provocatively provoke a criminal.
  2. Passively obey the violence.
  3. They show an absolute lack of understanding of the crooks' cunning, or simply inattention.

The psychology of the victim's victim's behavior can be reflected in lawful actions and in actions that violate the law, can have a minimal effect on an ongoing crime, and can play a decisive role in it.

Along with the above classification, Rivman structured this phenomenon, based on the degree of expression of human qualities, which determine his personal victimhood. As a result, the following types of victim behavior were described:

Preventing victim behavior

No crime occurs, except as part of the criminal system "criminal - situation-victim." Proceeding from this, the prevention of the problem must go through the work with all three mentioned elements. Effective prevention is through a comprehensive impact on all possible factors and taking into account the characteristics of victim behavior. A huge role in this is given to educational work among the population, informing about possible crimes, methods of criminals, the circumstances under which criminal situations arise and effective methods of getting out of them. Also, preventive measures include measures to improve the morality of the population, combat the immoral way of life. And it is also important to mention the importance of preventive work of doctors with people suffering from nervous and mental diseases.