Hemorrhoids - operation

The operation is performed with hemorrhoids 3 and 4 degrees, when the nodes fall out even with the slightest physical effort and it is impossible to correct them. Also, surgery to remove hemorrhoids is indicated for injuries to hemorrhoids, heavy bleeding, complications in the form of paraproctitis and thrombosis.

Methods for removing hemorrhoids

The methods of surgical treatment are subdivided into minimally invasive and surgical methods. Minimally invasive methods of therapy are prescribed in cases when there is a possibility to avoid surgical intervention and are usually recommended for elderly people and people with cardiovascular problems (hypertension, heart failure , etc.).

Among the surgical methods can be identified:

Excision of hemorrhoids

Removal of hemorrhoids with the help of surgical instruments is carried out in two ways:

  1. Closed excision is preferable in the absence of complications.
  2. Open excision is performed with complications, such as anal fissure or paraproctitis .

The postoperative period is of great importance for the speedy recovery after the operation for the removal of hemorrhoids. To reduce the risk of postoperative complications, it is important:

  1. Observe the diet with the exception of products that irritate the stomach mucosa.
  2. There are liquid or semi-liquid dishes, cooked on water or cooked in a steam way.
  3. Organize 6 meals a day in small portions.
  4. Exclude spicy, spicy, smoked foods and alcohol.
  5. To watch for the timely evacuation of the intestine.

Laser Removal of Hemorrhoids

Surgery to remove hemorrhoids by laser is performed on an outpatient basis. The advantages of this method are:

It is also important that the operation to remove the nodes with a laser is performed both with internal and external hemorrhoids. However, the method is not always suitable for removing large nodes. Also, recurrences of the disease are not excluded. Important is the fact that laser intervention is not available for all proctologic patients at a price.