Compote of peaches for the winter

Peach is a delicious fruit. Bright, sweet, sunny. Below we will talk about how to prepare a compote of peaches for the winter. By making such preparations, we seem to keep a piece of summer and sun. Compote, and the peaches themselves are very tasty. In winter, they will come in handy.

Compote of peaches with a stone



Peaches are properly my and put them in a jar, which was previously withstood over the steam. We pour sugar and pour boiling water. Now we pour water into a suitable pan for sterilization. It should be so much that the pot was in the water by about 2/3. At the bottom must lay a piece of tight cloth. And already on it we place the jar, having covered it with the boiled tin cover. Without a tissue layer, the glass will come in contact with the pan and after a boil the liquid may burst. So, after the water boils in the saucepan, we keep the compote in it for 15 minutes. After this, the jar is carefully picked up and immediately rolled. Then turn over, if suddenly drops of liquid are released, then the lid needs to be rolled again. After that, put the jars with compote upside down, cover it with something warm and leave it to cool. And after that they can be turned over and sent for safekeeping. By the way, cooked in such a way compotes can be stored not only in the cellar. They are perfectly preserved and at room temperature.

Compote of peaches without pits



The amount of sugar and lime in the recipe is based on 1 liter of water.

Peaches are mine, we dry and divide them into 2 halves, removing the bones. Densely we put them in 1,5 liter cans by a cut downwards. Now we measure how much water will go into 1 can of peaches. Multiply by the number of cans and subtract 300 ml. The necessary amount of water is poured into a saucepan. After boiling, pour sugar and citric acid. Fill the syrup with peaches. We cover the cans with boiled lids and put them in a pot of water. Banks should be immersed in ¾ of water. And under the banks must necessarily be a tissue layer. After boiling water in a saucepan, we can sterilize the jars for 15 minutes. Then gently take them out and quickly roll. You can also use screw caps. Finished cans with compote and turn over and leave until cooling. And then we put it in the storage room for storage. The concentrated concentrate obtained must be diluted with boiled water before use.

A compote of peaches for the winter - a simple recipe



Banks pre-mine with soda or dry mustard, and then sterilized or at least doused with boiling water. Next, peaches sorted and carefully washed. Blanch them, dipping for about 1 minute in boiling water. After that, we immediately lower them into cold water. Thanks to this procedure peel from peaches will be removed very quickly and easily. Peeled peaches are placed in cans and poured boiling water. Cover with boiled lids. After 15-20 minutes, we drain the water from the cans into a saucepan, add sugar in the calculation of 300 g per 1 liter of water. We give the syrup to boil and pour peaches in the jars. We roll up the jars with lids, immediately turn them over, cover them with a warm blanket and let them cool down. You can store such a compote for about a year at room temperature. Compote of peaches without sterilization is very saturated and sweet, so in winter it can be diluted additionally with water.