Fertilizer "Kalimagnezia" - application

As is known, fertilizers contribute to the increase in the fertility of plants. Effective chlorine-containing complexes, unfortunately, can simultaneously have a toxic effect both on the soil and on the plants themselves. Therefore, fertilizer "Kalimagnezia" can become an excellent alternative.

"Kalimagnezia" - the composition of fertilizer

The preparation is a mixture of powder and granules, consisting of the following components:

The first two components are presented in the form of sulfates, and therefore are perfectly soluble in water and are perfectly distributed in the soil.

Fertilizer "Kalimagnezia" - application

The minimum chlorine content makes the fertilizer safe and suitable for crops such as cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes. Moreover, the application of fertilizer "Kalimagnezia" in the garden is shown for potatoes and beets, as it improves the taste qualities of their fruits. Moreover, it is possible to use the mineral complex as a prikormki of the near-a range of fruit bushes and trees.

"Kalimagnezia" is quite suitable for spring or autumn digging of the site. At the same time, the rate of fertilizer application for every nine square meters can vary, for example, in spring it is about 90-110 g, in autumn it is slightly higher - 135-200 g.

According to the instructions for use, the fertilizer "Kalimagnezia" can be used as an effective foliar top dressing during the active vegetation period, butonization. In this case, prepare a solution of 15-25 g of substance and buckets of water. The above product is sprayed over the aboveground part of the plants.

Fertilizer can be applied to the soil, falling asleep on the surface and performing subsequent watering. The rate of consumption of "Kalimagnesia" for each type of crop is different. So, for example, 25-30 g of preparation for each m & sup2 are used for trees and bushes. Root crops show a dosage of 18-25 g on m & sup2. For vegetables, apply 15-20 g per m & sup2 of soil.