Yakovlevsky Barracks

One of the most famous sights of Latvia are the Yakovlevsky barracks, located on the street Tornia, 4. They are considered to be the longest building (237m). A powerful and memorable structure is also known as the barracks of Jekaba.

Yakovlevsky barracks - history

The first mention of the barracks refers to the end of the 17th century, when it took shelter for Swedish legionaries. While there was no need to protect the city from an enemy attack, the soldiers needed some comfort.

The barracks stretched from the southern side of the Citadel almost to the most fortifications of Riga. At first the structure was wooden and only after the capture of the city by Russian troops in 1710 by the decree of the emperor construction of new barracks began. The appearance of the building, which the current tourists see, exactly repeats the appearance of the 18th century building.

For the barracks the style of Dutch classicism was chosen. To protect the soldiers' apartments, a shaft was made on the side of the Bastion boulevard. It was demolished after Riga ceased to be a city-fortress.

Over time, the building was given to the American Chamber of Commerce, as well as diplomatic representations of Latvian cities. Yakovlevsky barracks have a facade of the building, which is decorated with coats of arms all the cities of the country. It makes a strong impression on tourists, especially if you see it for the first time.

Yakovlevsky barracks - tourist value

The building belongs to the historical and architectural monuments of Riga , therefore, when visiting the capital and studying the old city, it is worth to pay attention to their inspection. The barracks of Jekaba are easy to identify by the low buildings of yellow color. The whole complex stretched along the street Tornia, so you can not pass by.

Walking around the Old Town , you can visit the numerous pubs and restaurants located in the Yakovlevsky barracks. In the once residential complex also open souvenir shops and small shops. Interestingly, many of them are located in the basement, this is due to the construction of the building. Amazing discoveries can be made not only indoors, but also outside. So, near one of the restaurants there is a menu in the form of a ship's steering wheel.

How to get to the Yakovlevsky barracks?

Yakovlevsky barracks have a very good location. From Dome Square to them you can walk in just 5 minutes. The barracks are on the street Tornia, on its opposite side there are such attractions - the Swedish Gate and the Powder Tower .