Sauces for the winter

Sauces perfectly complement and reveal the taste of dishes. Let's find out what kind of sauces you can make for the winter.

Tomato sauce for the winter



Tomatoes are washed, doused with boiling water and peeled. Then we chop tomatoes with a blender, pour the mass into a saucepan with a thick bottom and cook for 20 minutes, on a weak fire. Carrots and Bulgarian peppers are cleaned, mine and shinkuem thin straws. We add vegetables to the tomato mass and boil for about 20 minutes.

Then we put salt, sugar, drain the oil, squeeze the garlic through the press and throw the crushed parsley greens. We cook the sauce for about 5 minutes, then pour in the vinegar, mix and spread the snack in sterilized jars. Tomato sauce for winter is ready!

Recipe for sauce "Satsebeli" for the winter



Cilantro cut with arbitrary pieces. Then mix the greens with all the other crushed ingredients, not adding only tomato paste and water. After that, we shake the whole mass with a wooden pestle, put the tomato and pour in the water. Thoroughly mix, boil the mass for 5 minutes and lay out the ready-made horseradish sauce for the winter on cans.

Apple sauce for the winter



Apples are peeled, cut out the middle and melancholically shredded cubes. Then we spread them on a frying pan warmed up with a creamy oil, we mix and weighed on small fire approximately 2-3 minutes. After that, we remove the pan from the fire, and the apple mass is wiped through a sieve. Further we pour out powdered sugar, we put ground ginger and all is well mixed. The prepared mass is spread over sterilized jars, rolled up and stored in a cool room.

Cowberry sauce for the winter



Berries cranberries sorted, washed, put in a saucepan and cook until soft for about 15-20 minutes. Then we cool it a bit and rub it through a fine sieve. The resulting berry mass in the saucepan and boil for 20 minutes, until thick. After that, add the butter, garlic, squeezed through the garlic, sugar and salt. Prepared sauce from cowberries cool well and put it into dry jars. Hermetically close and store in the refrigerator.