Adaptation of first-graders to school

The beginning of schooling is an important milestone in the life of every child and his parents. As a rule, children by 6-7 years show interest in the student's status and readiness to try on this role. But this willingness and all the bright hopes associated with the child with the school are often broken against the wall of stress that every new first-grader inevitably encounters. The change in the conditions of life, the regime of the day, the type of leading activity requires a colossal strain of all body resources. To help children, for the first time crossed the school threshold, special adaptation programs of first-graders are being created and perfected by teachers and psychologists. But for the most successful and rapid adaptation, it is also important for parents to participate actively in it, who can provide the child with the necessary help and support at this critical moment for him.

What is adaptation?

Adaptation is the adaptation of the organism to new conditions of existence. Adaptation of first-graders to the school lasts from 2 to 6 months and consists of three main components:

  1. Psychological adaptation of first-graders. In the school community, the child more clearly begins to feel himself as a person. He forms a self-assessment, the level of claims for success in school, the norms of behavior with others. Also an important point is the transition from gaming activity, as the leading one, to the teaching activity. All children have different levels of initial academic training, so to avoid the occurrence of psychological discomfort, it is better to abstain from the marks for the period of adaptation of first-graders.
  2. Social features of the adaptation of first-graders to school. The child adapts to the new collective, learn to communicate, solve emerging interpersonal problems and conflicts. It is necessary to help the child correctly react to difficulties in communication and overcome them.
  3. Physiological adaptation of first-graders. Studies entail cardinal changes in the child's way of life, including its physical component. It is unusual for a child to sit out for a long time in one place, he lacks the usual physical activity and freedom of action. It is important to properly organize the regime of the day, alternating loads with rest.

Recommendations for the adaptation of first-graders for parents

In order to jointly overcome all the difficulties of adapting first-graders to school, it is important to show participation and understanding. The following simple tips will help you and your child to pass all the tests with honor at the beginning of the training activity and will become the key to further success.