ZRR in children - symptoms, treatment

Speech development delay (PID) is a disease that occurs quite often in children. The reasons for its development have not been precisely clarified. Most often the violation is revealed by 3-4 years, when the child should already be actively talking. Let's look at the ZRR in children, in more detail, let's call it the symptoms and the basics of treatment.

What can point to a PPD?

Each mother should be attentive to the development of her baby and spend a lot of time on this process. In cases when there are suspicions that a child in 2-2,5 years can not pronounce certain words, but at the same time makes active attempts, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The most likely violation is amenable to correction at the initial stage.

However, it is possible to identify PIR in children in infancy by the symptoms:

  1. At 4 months old woman should actively react to adults around him. Agukanie, crying, a smile on her face are the main reactions of the child at that age.
  2. In 9-12 months, the baby should try to pronounce simple combinations of letters: na-na, ba-ba, ma-ma, etc.
  3. Closer to 1.5-2 years the child independently makes small phrases, with ease can express a simple sentence of his request.
  4. By 3-4 years he is free to make sentences, while pronunciation becomes clear, defects are encountered less often.

If the baby does not comply with the above-mentioned rates of development, then doctors after a complete examination are diagnosed with ZRR - this means that the child has problems with speech. However, this does not indicate that the child will not speak at all.

How is ZDR treated in children?

First of all, doctors try to establish the cause that led to the development of the disease. To this end, the child is counseled by a neurologist, speech therapist, psychiatrist, child psychologist. Often carried out research to determine the work of the brain: MRI, ECHO-EG, etc.

With timely detection, preferably up to 2 years, by joint efforts of doctors and parents, the child begins to speak.

Treatment includes:

  1. Medicamentous therapy (preparations Cortexin, Actovegin , Kogitum).
  2. Medical procedures - magnetotherapy, electroretherapy.
  3. Alternative therapy - dolphin therapy, hippotherapy.
  4. Pedagogical correction - work with the defectologist.

In order to cope with such a violation as ZRR, and help the child speak, an integrated approach is needed.