What does chickenpox look like?

Children at an early age often suffer from such a disease as chicken pox (chicken pox). The reason for it, herpes, is a virus that remains in the body after a disease for life. Therefore, a man suffers from chicken pox only once. In children, this disease occurs more often. They are much easier to tolerate than adults. The source of the disease is an infected person in the incubation period, or who has already developed rashes. Veterinary pox is transmitted by airborne droplets, and with the air flow spreads over long distances, even to neighboring apartments.

To begin proper treatment, it is important for parents to know what the chickenpox looks like and how long it lasts for children. It is not difficult to establish a diagnosis, but pimples at an early stage of maturation can be confused with allergies, insect bites. Correctly determine the type of disease will help doctor's advice.

How do pimples look like with chicken pox?

The main sign of smallpox is a rash. A chickenpox rash is easy to find out. Ripening pimples of smallpox goes through several stages:

  1. On the child's body appear red round spots with a diameter of about 10 mm, resembling a bite of an insect.
  2. At the spot spots are formed by bubbles with a yellow and transparent liquid.
  3. The contents of the pimples become cloudy and they are covered with crusts.
  4. The surface of the rash gradually becomes firm, brown, acne disappears.

Passing through these stages, rashes on the baby's body stay up to two to three weeks. In case the child does not comb them and the pimples disappear themselves, then there are no traces and scars on the body.

To correctly determine if a child has chickenpox, you need to carefully observe what the rash looks like, starting with the second stage of its ripening.

A kid with chickenpox is most concerned about itching. It provokes this unpleasant sensation of sweat. To reduce it, you need to bathe every day in a cool bath, adding a little soda to the water, and changing clothes regularly. It is also recommended to shorten the nails and wash hands often, and at night wear cotton gloves so that the child does not rip off the rash in a dream.

If the baby, who fell ill with chickenpox, still combed the rash, it can lead to pustular infections - staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, and hence - to the appearance of pustules, and later, scars. In case the child does not comb the pimples and they disappear themselves, the dimples and scars (pockmarks) on the body do not remain.

What does a chicken pox look like?

Chickenpox at first resembles an ordinary cold and can be accompanied by fever, headache, weakness, anorexia, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Make sure at this stage of the disease that the child has chickenpox, if you take into account not only these symptoms, but also observe what the patient's skin looks like. Eruptions can appear in 1-5 days on any place of the body, except for the head and face. During this period, the temperature rises to 38, sometimes 40 degrees. New wind pimples appear at intervals of 1-2 days and cover the entire body of the child (trunk, scalp, face, genitals, mouth), except soles and palms. Very painful eruptions of smallpox on the oral mucosa. In some cases, pimples continue to appear until 7-9 days, and sometimes up to 14 days of illness. The child ceases to be a peddler of the infection on day 5 after the appearance of the last pimple.

Fortunately, children usually tolerate this disease easily and without complications. Often in patients with chickenpox, well-being does not deteriorate, the child can still be active. Poorly tolerate this disease infants, adults and children with very severe rashes.