Chrome slimming

For several decades opinions on the benefits of chromium for weight loss are divided. Some scientists note that taking chrome increases the production of insulin, others say that chrome "discourages" the desire to eat sweet and flour, and some believe that chromium can simply normalize the percentage of sugar in the blood, provided the consumption of sweet is reduced. Where is the truth, in spite of super modern technologies - nobody knows. We, in turn, consider the advantages of chromium for weight loss.


For losing weight

Preparations with chromium are useful for weight loss due to joint work with the thyroid gland. However, in this case, weight loss occurs only if previously there was a deficiency of chromium in the body.

In addition, while observing a diet for weight loss , recommends taking pills with chromium so that after losing weight, stretch marks do not form. Since chrome will increase the production of collagen, and the skin will become more elastic.

Forms of release

The daily dose for an adult is 150-200 micrograms of chromium, but if we are talking about chromium picolinate, whether you are taking it for weight loss, or during pregnancy, then the dose is increased to 400 micrograms. In addition to the tablets, chromium is also released in suspensions and in drops. It will be very useful to take drops with chromium for weight loss on a mono-diet, as such diets contribute to its deficiency.


In our body, constantly, in every cell, there must be a certain amount of chromium. If it is not, there are various violations, for example, fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy. The only contraindication to chromium for weight loss, or for any other purpose can only be an overdose. In this case, chrome poisoning can occur, and even death.

It is safest, of course, to consume chrome-containing foods: apples, cherries, liver, quail eggs, fish, broccoli , cranberries, oysters, etc. However, considering not entirely literate agriculture, soil, and, accordingly, grown in products, often contain a paltry amount of chromium. Exit from the situation can be the intake of vitamins with chromium for weight loss, for the normalization of metabolic processes, reproductive function, etc.

However, remember, not following a diet and without increasing physical exertion, chrome will not be able to help you lose weight.