Raw food - before and after

Every day more and more people are included in the ranks of raw foodstuffs, who refuse to eat food, undergone thermal treatment or refining. Their main idea is that the products after heat treatment become garbage, which negatively affects the work of the whole organism and leads to its rapid aging. If you look at photos of people before and after they gave preference to raw food , then by will you think that this can be the solution to the problem of excess weight?

Adherents of this trend believe that since a person is a living organism, it is important to have "live" products. Fruits and vegetables besides useful substances contain the energy of the sun, which is important for health.

The Benefits of Raw Food

Like any method of losing weight and healing this current has its fans and opponents. Many people say that you can switch to eating raw food only when you are already mentally ready for it. The main and most notable advantage of the correct raw food diet is the rapid loss of extra pounds. There are examples when a person for a month of eating raw foods, that is, vegetables, fruits and greens, got rid of 20 extra pounds (although much depends on the initial weight). Another plus, which the raw food experts say is the ability to fully enjoy the food, as the taste buds are exacerbated, giving new sensations. What is the benefit of raw food:

  1. There is a purification of the body from slags, heavy metal salts and other decomposition products. Thanks to this, after a few days you feel lightness in the body, and the stomach starts to work without interruptions.
  2. If you compare the skin condition before and after the raw diet, you can notice a huge difference. On the face there is a slight blush, the rashes disappear and the skin becomes supple and velvety.
  3. There is a rejuvenation of the whole body, as the internal organs begin to function smoothly, and the process of cell renewal is activated.
  4. The protective functions of the body are strengthened, which allows to resist various viruses, infections and stressful situations.

Switching to raw diet

Do not think that at any moment you can stop eating thermally processed food and immediately feel light and improve your health. You are waiting for a difficult period, which is also called a "crisis". The beginning of the raw food diet can proceed in one of two ways:

  1. You without any preparation of the body radically change your diet and exclude from it thermally processed foods. Thus, you can quickly achieve the desired goal, but it is necessary to be reserved for restraint and perseverance.
  2. Step by step, replace the products. This option is slower, but it will be much easier to transfer.

If you have chosen the second method of raw food, then there are rules for switching to such food:

  1. Start global changes in nutrition in the summer or autumn, when a large selection of fruits and vegetables is presented.
  2. To begin with, 2 days a week only eat raw foods, and the rest of the time adhere to a more familiar diet for you. Then increase the time.
  3. First it is necessary to refuse meat and fish, and then from flour products, canned food and only then from dairy products.
  4. If you have a strong desire to eat something forbidden, do not deny yourself, as this can eventually lead to a complete breakdown.
  5. Use small portions to facilitate the process of digesting food. Products should be at room temperature, so that the body does not spend energy on its warming.

As for the ailments, you can feel abdominal pain, skin rashes and diarrhea may appear. All these are the consequences of the cleansing of the body.