How to whiten tulle at home?

Light, translucent, easily draped - it is for these properties that we love tulle as an ornament for our windows. However, over time, it inevitably loses its former whiteness and purity, and its appearance does not please us. How to whiten tulle at home?

Methods of whitening with household chemicals

All the ways how to whiten the yellowed or grayed tulle at home can be divided into two groups: traditional, folk recipes and modern cleansers. The latter do not require special devices, as well as a large amount of time for bleaching, and a large selection of tools for giving the fabric an original look can be found in stores. For example, you can buy bleach, such as ACE, Nanny, Bos, as well as stain removers Vanish, Sano, Dr. Clean.

To give the yellowed or grayed tulle an original look with bleach, we need: a bleach tank, warm water, a stick or an old scoop (to stir the liquid), then the amount of bleach that is indicated in the instructions for use (usually 1 or 2 lids from bottles). Stir the necessary amount of the agent in warm water and place the tulle there so that it is completely covered with water. After an hour, take it out and rinse it thoroughly.

And how to bleach white tulle at home, if there are spots on the curtain? This will help us stain remover. To begin with, we treat them with stained areas and leave them for 10-15 minutes so that the product will work. Then in warm water add a little more money and soak the tulle in it for 4-5 hours. If the pollution is very intense, then you can leave the curtain in the solution and for the whole night. Then wash as usual and hang out to dry.

Traditional methods of whitening tulle

How can you bleach tulle at home, if you do not have household chemical products at hand or are you afraid to use them? There are many folk remedies for giving the original species a yellowed or grayed curtain. The simplest of them is digestion. Remember, our grandmothers boiled almost all the linen, because this is not only a means of disinfection, but also an excellent way to get rid of pollution. To boil a tulle curtain is necessary: ​​a large enamel pot or bucket, water, washing powder (you can do without it), remnants, stick for stirring. In cold water, you need to add powder and shavings of soap, and then immerse the tulle into it. We put the capacity on the fire and bring it to a boil. Then another 1 hour cook on a small fire, stirring constantly. We pull out the curtain, weave it and hang it to dry it.

The next method involves the use of salt. It is most effective in the fight against yellowness tissue. In hot water (5 liters), fill 3-4 tablespoons of fine table salt, stir, immerse the tulle in it and leave it for 5 hours or at night. Then we wash and dry the curtain in the usual way.

You can also use greenery to give whiteness to things. To prepare the necessary mixture, you need to add 10-15 drops of the usual medical greens in a glass with water and mix thoroughly. Then you need to wait a while and see if there is a residue on the bottom of the glass. If it appeared, then you need to stir again. If there is no precipitate, the resulting mixture is added to the basin, in which you will last time rinse the washed tulle. After rinsing in such a solution, you will get a tremendous whitening effect, and the washed fabric should be dried just like you always do.

Finally, the last option of bleaching: the use of ammonia. It is necessary in a bucket of hot water to add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide . Mix the mixture and immerse it in our tulle for half an hour. Then we rinse, squeeze, dry the tulle and rejoice in its beautiful appearance.